N i n e

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Z a c ' s P O V

I immediately knew that this was going to be bad.

We've been playing this for about an hour and a half, this time all of us out of the water and moved it to the lapa.

Emma is wasted and so is Sarah. Jake and I were the only ones that were slightly tipsy.

Edward is no where to be found, probably doing something stupid with all the tequila he had.

Once the last bottle -which was the fourth, was finished, we had finally decided to enjoy the rest of the party.

A few people were playing beer pong and the others decided to play spin the bottle.

It was almost ten pm and I was about to go inside to lie on the couch for a bit, but Emma grabs my arm.

"How about that dance now," she grins, not looking drunk at all.

But I know she is

"Sure," I decide, after knowing it could do no harm.

She pulls me toward the living room, that's currently a big open space after all the furniture was moved back to make place for the dance floor.

'Desire (Hucci Remix)' by Meg Myers is currently playing and Emma starts to move, dancing to the music.

I start to dance with her, watching her every flawless move.

She's still wearing her bikini, but instead of her cardigan she has a white button up shirt, the first there buttons open exposing her collor bones  and the shirt only coming to her mid thighs.

As the song continues, her hands trail over her body, making the shirt lift up a few inches.

Her hair is still a bit damp and so is the shirt she's wearing.

Her eyes are closed as we both move to the music and it's difficult to not place my hands on her waist, but luckily I don't.

Her eyes flutter open and the hands in her hair, trails down her body and soon find my hands.

We're still dancing to the same song, the lights in the living room flashing on and off lightning speed, almost making it difficult to think straight.

She moves my hands to her waist and continues to dance.

The feeling of euphoria washes over me as we dance together and I'm aware that we're both intoxicated, her more than me and at the very moment I could care less.

The song takes forever to end and I don't mind it.

Our dancing doesn't stop and next thing I know, she starts to grind on me.

My mind is telling me to stop, but my body doesn't want to, so I let her.

We move in sync to the song and the euphoric feeling just increases.

It felt like It was only her and I in this world, dancing to this song playing in the background.

She turns around, her back now facing me and my hands still on her waist and we move, synchronizing with one another as we enjoy this song.

When she turns around again, she's even closer, pressed up againts my body.

Even though I never thought I felt this way about her, my drunk self didn't care.

Her hands trailing my bare chest as our hips move together in sync.

The song felt like it went on for hours, but in reality, it was only a few minutes, before she pulled away, her gaze shifting to the floor.

Did she just realize what she was doing?

Not knowing what to do, I kissed her.

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