Its official.

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"So, hypothetically, when would I start?" I ask Malik and Mason who sit across the table from me

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"So, hypothetically, when would I start?" I ask Malik and Mason who sit across the table from me.

"When would you like to start?" Malik asks, in business mode.

I see this as negotiation time. I open my calendar and adjust the way I'm sitting, matching his energy before I respond.

"Well, I had a booked schedule before you two came to hijack me from my company," I wink at them before giving my list of demands. "I'd like to take the next two weeks to close out my projects and help them find, and train, my replacement. I'll have to assist in the onboarding of that employee so I know they're left in good hands. I believe I should be done by the 9th but training will take at least a week, I can do most of that through Skype, but I want the weekend free before I transition into this new role. I can start the Monday after next. The 12th." I finish closing my calendar.

"Anything else your majesty?" Mason asks me jokingly.

"What's my salary, and don't try to screw me over because of who I am. Pay me what you had for Sire." I tell the men. Too many times did jobs try to change the offer once they saw who I was.

"We wouldn't short change you Sharice, we don't get down like that," Mason says.

"You will be paid a well enough salary that this job can be your priority. I know you'll have your outside contracts and that's fine. All your travel is covered, and we have great benefits. I'll have an official offer sent via email for you to go over and negotiate further if need be." Malik says openly.

"Also Sharice," Mason starts "Will you still go by Sire?"

I hadn't thought about it. If the job is paying well enough, I'm sure I can give Sire a rest for now. I look to Malik.

"Whatever you're comfortable with," Malik assures me.

"Once I'm hired, it's going to be public won't it?" I ask anxiously.

"Unfortunately, because of who we are, yes."

"It's a big change from your investment bank," Mason says. "Black-owned private equity firm, anytime we make moves, it's public."

"What's my job title?" I inquire

"Chief information security officer," Malik informs me.

My eyes widen and I know they can call my bluff. This is what I've always wanted. This is the position I've been working towards, and it's fallen in my lap.

"Gentlemen, we have a deal."

Riding back to the office with Malik, I can't help but smile. I'm only 24 and I feel like I'm getting everything I want out of life right now. I have my own condo, my dream job, and a great guy. Everything feels right.

I deserve this.

"What's on your mind, baby?" He asks me.

"Nothing," I lie.

"You think I believe that?" He laughs.

I shrug.

"Are you nervous?" He inquires

"A little. It's a big change, but I've wanted it for so long. You know something funny," I chuckle, "I applied for a job at your firm when I first moved here. I didn't even get a callback."

"Really?" Malik raises a brow.

"Mhmm. Your IT Department was hiring. It was one of the places I applied with my real name, so it was just a shot in the dark." I explain, "I only have this job right now because I hacked their web systems in their lobby and showed them how easy it was to get their 'secure' data."

"Now that's one way to get a job. I'll have to go through Human Resources and see if they still have your resume on file." He scoffs

"I guess it just wasn't the right time," I say as he smiles at me.

We pull into the parking lot to my job. He parks his Range Rover next to my Lexus in the back of the lot.

He shuts off the car and looks at me.

"You make me happy Sharice, like I ain't been this happy in a long time. I know this shit is moving fast, but I really want us to be together." He reveals. "I just feel like you were meant to be with me."

I'm at a loss for words because I know what he means. Things are moving fast, but I don't want them to stop. I don't want to let my past experience influence my present, I just want to ride the wave until it crashes.

This can't be healthy.

"Tell me I'm not alone here, Sharice." He looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Malik," I take his hand. "I told you, I was yours already."

"And I am yours." He smiles from ear to ear. "I promise to give you the life you deserve. I'll make sure you never question how I feel about you."

So we're official then.

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