RANT: Narcissa Malfoy is NOT a Queen

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"Stan Narcissa Malfoy!" 

"Cissy is a QUEEN!" 

"Best mom ever!" 



Narcissa Malfoy is an interesting character. She's a grey character. But she's not a morally GOOD character so stop praising her for one GOOD thing that she did throughout the books. 

Like yeah, I get it. She lied to Voldemort about Harry being alive. It was very brave of her and it saved Harry's life. But that doesn't suddenly make her an angel. 

I noticed this with a lot of people, but whenever a bad character does a few GOOD things, people are suddenly seeing them in a brand new light. They're amazing. They're a saint. They're the best person ever. Let's just forget all the terrible things they did before because they did this one good thing that tooootally cancels all the bad stuff out (Snape apologists are a good example of this btw).

And whenever a good character does a BAD thing, they're suddenly a villain. Everyone hates them now. All the good things they've done before don't matter anymore because of this awful thing they've done. They're EVIL! A horrible person! A menace to society, etc!

Noooooooooooooooo stop that 😩😩😩😩

Look at her goddamn wiki page for fuck's sake: 

Where on Earth does it say that she's a kind and sweet woman??? That she's "feeble" and "submissive" like fanfics always portray her as???

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Where on Earth does it say that she's a kind and sweet woman??? That she's "feeble" and "submissive" like fanfics always portray her as???

NOWHERE. FUCKING NOWHERE. She's only nice to her family, and her family's pure shit! 

The start of her 'personality' literally states she was a "very proud woman who frequently displayed a haughty and disdainful attitude, looking down upon others as she believed strongly in the importance of blood purity and valued her family's wealth". 

Where the fuck does all this "she actually DOESN'T believe in pureblood supremacy, her husband's just super abusive and never lets her have a say, so that's why she's always so meek and quiet in the books 🥺" fanon bullshit come from?!?!

She's none of that ya'll. She's barely mentioned in the books but when she is mentioned, she's always acting like a stuck-up bitch. The only time she isn't is when her family's in danger but even then, she didn't give a shit about all the innocent people being killed. She still considered them as "mudbloods" or muggle scum.  

Narcissa may have saved Harry's life but she is NOT a good person. Have you forgotten that she's still a fucking racist??? A blood supremacist??? Don't just forget about that because of one good thing she did! 

Also, she did not give a shit about Harry so she didn't even save him out of the goodness of her heart. She only cared about Draco. That was the whole reason Harry lived, because he confirmed that Draco was okay. What do you think would've happened if she was already aware that Draco was never in any danger??? Or if Harry said that he was not okay??? I doubt she would've lied to save Harry's life. 

So yes, she is still a fucking racist, but her love for her family exceeded her need to see Voldemort win. However, that doesn't mean she wanted Voldemort to lose. She's still a racist, remember? She did not give a shit that muggles were being killed and tortured. She didn't give a shit that muggle-borns were persecuted. 

Hell, she literally helped Sirius get killed! Remember when Kreacher left Grimmauld Place? Who did he talk to? It was Narcissa and Bellatrix! And they relayed that to Voldemort! Sure killing Sirius may not have been the real plan (the real plan was to lure Harry to the Ministry so they could get the prophecy), but she still actively helped Voldemort during the war. She's not as neutral as people think she is. She may not have participated in killing and torturing muggles, but she still saw them as beneath her like all the other racist assholes she associated herself with. 

Ooooh, and she was also there when Hermione was being tortured by her dear sister, Bellatrix! She didn't give a shit that an innocent teenage girl was being tortured by her sister. Not very angelic of her, huh??? 

Speaking of Bellatrix, she may have been slightly uncomfortable with her... craziness, but the two of them were still close enough that Narcissa brought her to witness the Unbreakable Vow between her and Snape (which Voldemort definitely wouldn't have liked). 

(#sistergoals tho)

Narcissa is a caring mom, and that's nice and all, but she still fucking sucks as a person. She spread her pureblood beliefs onto her son. It wasn't just Lucius, okay? They raised him together. Lucius canonically loves and cares for his family, he wouldn't have barred Narcissa from raising their son. So together, they raised Draco and gave him the racist beliefs they both shared. 

Everyone's always praising her for being "such a good mom" wtf. Have you forgotten that Tonks exist??? She was a caring mom. Mrs. Weasley was a caring mom. Andromeda Tonks was a caring mom. Lily Potter was a caring mom. Narcissa raised a racist bully and a spoiled brat because she was also a racist bully and a spoiled brat. 

"But surely she changed after the war like Draco did, right???"

Nope! 🤗

Still the same racist piece of shit, unfortunately! Draco was the only Malfoy to truly change his ways (let's give him a round of applause for that). He even went on to marry Astoria and made sure to raise his baby boy right. Narcissa, however, didn't approve of any of that. 

She didn't approve of Astoria because the girl didn't have the same pureblood beliefs as her. Astoria's a Pureblood, but even that wasn't good enough because she was a 'blood traitor'. I don't know what her relationship with Scorpius is, but it might be slightly strained because he would also be considered a blood traitor (though I don't think she would hate him, she'd probably be like "my grandson is terribly misguided and brainwashed because of that horrid mother of his 😡"). 

In conclusion, Narcissa Malfoy is NOT a queen, nor is she the sweet mother who's too scared to speak up about her "true views about muggles". No. She's literally a bitch. She's just like all the other Death Eaters and/or pureblood supremacist. Portraying her as a holy saint dealing with an oppressive husband is NOT accurate. She is a very proud and strong woman with grey traits. She loves and cares for her family immensely, but she is also a pureblood supremacist who sided Voldemort (she may have been scared of the guy, but she believed in the same things he did). She has zero sympathy for blood traitors, muggle-borns, and muggles and couldn't care less if they died out.

Omg it's been SUCH a long time since I updated this... sorry guys, but I got distracted by Moros 😓I wrote this rant a long time ago too but I forgot to publish it, whoops...

But anyways, it's a good thing I posted this lol. We're nowhere near Book Seven yet, but there's a good chance there'll be some Narcissa scenes (idk for sure tho, I only got 2% of the book planned out), and I don't want you guys getting mad at how I write her like "omg Cissy would NEVER say that, she's a kind and sweet woman why would you make her a bitch? And she's not racist either!" 

So yeah, if I get any comments like that in the future I can just kindly redirect you back to here 🤗

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