Psychology 168 - explanation

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Researchers have identified a series of psychological changes that occur when we wear certain clothes.

Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others. This is “Enclothed Cognition“

The term Enclothed Cognition is used to describe the effect that our clothes seem to have on various psychological processes like emotions, self evaluations, attitudes, and interpersonal interactions. Clothes affect our behavior and our moods because of the symbolic meaning that we (as a society) ascribe to different types of attire.

the clothes you wear have an effect on your performance levels, sense of self as well as the aptitude to negotiate. Formal and well-designed attire boosts your confidence and improves your mental and physical performance dramatically

Studies show that a group of [non scientific ]people dressed in lab coats performed better in tests than those in the group not dressed in lab coats. The wearing of some clothes can give us a confident attitude. Therefore we can rely on clothes to give us confidence that we might otherwise be lacking

I know that was a lot but if you're interested in knowing more about this you can Google it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

so basically, the way you dress matters. cool...

*Sips on tea*


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