The Cactus and The Fox

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Under the blazing sun
In the midst of the dessert
You stand tall
A thorny cactus
Waiting for rain
Waiting for anything

Day by day
You ask if anyone or anything would come by
And hour by hour
You remind yourself
That you are not worth for anyone or anything to even take notice on
Because you're a thorny cactus
And anyone or anything who would come close gets hurt
But that is who you are

You are a fox
Wandering on and about
But you are a courageous fox

One day
The fox found the cactus
All alone in the vast dessert
He hugged it
Without knowing that he is bleeding

Pain and blood did not register in his mind
All he know is that:
This cactus is alone
And company, it needs

We are all cactuses

Day by day
We fight
We rise
We go on

But every battle leaves its mark
Every battle you endured creates its thorn
Each thorn sharper than the last
Each thorn never dull

We let other people see our thorns
The number of battles we have experienced
But never won
It is our battle cry

We push people away
Because the closer they get
The more pain you give them

But each of us deserves that one fox
One fox, is all it takes

To keep us company
To tell us that we did our best
To tell us that it is all done
To tell us that we have survived
To tell us that everything is going to be okay
And to tell us that we are alive

But the fox
Is a courageous fox
But a silly fox

It kept hugging the cactus
Not knowing that it's blood has dried up
At the tip of its fur
Numb of the pain

We are all a fox
Silly enough to hold on to the things
That hurts us the most

Having delusional hope
That the thorns will dull in time

And that is how we developed to be numb
No matter how many thorns have hurt us
Even if a thorn decides to pierce our hearts

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