Chapter 42 - Dmitri

545 34 11

September 21, 2018

By the time Friday arrives Dmitri is ready to wrap his fingers around the handle of his trusty knives and start slashing throats. Instead, he is squeezing his bits into a fake female crotch mold that's light years better than the old method of duct taping his dick under himself and hoping for the best. Seriously, it's almost believable that his lower half does not belong to a man, the R&D department going as far as actually sculpting a proper labia onto the mold even if it is only for appearance's sake and not like anyone will ever see it. The same goes for the fake chest mold, his new breasts look terrifyingly real concealed properly against Dmitri's skin and encased in a pretty lace bra. His chestnut colored wig cascades down his back and a few stray locks even fall teasingly against his chest, further softening his taped and carefully made up face that completes his transformation.

No one would ever tell he's not a woman unless really tried something below the belt. Which would be awkward for everyone involved. Also possible lethal for whoever thought getting handsy was a good idea.

Dmitri can't decide if he wants anyone to try their hands at it or not.

The mission is only reconnaissance, for the time being, checking out the mysterious Hypnos, who is supposedly the mastermind behind Amelloni's coup, and doing it all in secret while pretending to be the bachelorette at his very own bachelorette party. He is only taking his most trusted with him and Anastas, of course, organizing every detail with the utmost care in order to avoid tipping his grandmother or Carmen off. If he wants to be honest, he is unsure how he feels about keeping secrets from his family, from the Group he grew up swearing loyalty to but things are not adding up, and he refuses to play the obedient good boy any longer.

His grandmother wants to get Amelloni out of the way? That's her business, but all the signs point toward something bigger going on behind the scenes and Dmitri has never been one to pass up a good mystery. Like wannabe spy movie villains with equally ridiculous names and dangerous drugs. So here he is, vibrating out of his skin with pent up frustration and eager to get out of the tower, away from Martinez and his burning lightning fast glares full of resentment and simmering rage. If the boy wants to hate Dmitri for the secrets he kept and being sold off by his own father, who is Dmitri to begrudge him that much?

Did it burn when Martinez unwittingly threw all his usually repressed insecurities in his face? Only as much as sulfuric acid does. Is he still smarting from the silent treatment and constant avoidance from both him and Thommy? Unquestionably. But there is little he can do about it and it's obvious neither boy is interested in his words, so he restricts interaction with both of them as much as possible, leaving their training in Ana's capable if cruel hands. At least, they are still recovering from their last foray into stupidity and have only been learning about the strategic side of what will be expected of them in the future.

Anastas has been testing them, challenging their sheltered minds constantly, and from what Dmitri has gathered from the reports and video feed provided by Sasha, they are already thriving no matter how reluctantly. They really have great potential to go far in Yuriev Group but potential in itself is not enough. They need to have the will and resolution to go through with all parts of their training, and some of it won't be as harmless as debating the meaning of truth or mercy. It will get much uglier than picking out hidden weapons within seconds on someone and dirtier than learning about different untraceable ways to poison someone.

Still, Dmitri has little doubt that they will be magnificent at it. Martinez certainly has the nose and cruelty to pick up on someone's weaknesses and exploit them. Thommy on the other hand has the blood lust that is an essential trait in Dmitri's Hounds, even if he is still afraid of letting it out and has no idea how to harness it. He only hopes that neither of them will try to use what they learn to betray the Group, he really doesn't want to be the one to hunt them down if they did that.

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