Chapter 2

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Naomi POV

"Mr. Hasegawa?" I ask. Really? Why me?

"Huh? What are you doing in here? And why are you bare? Not that I mind." He asks standing up.

" What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" I ask because I'm pretty sure that this is my house.

" No. What are you doing here? I paid for this room." He saying putting on a shirt.

What is he talking about? I thought I woke up in my bed? I look closer at my surroundings and realize that this is really not my home.

" What happened last night?" I ask trying to cover myself up.

" I'm pretty sure we got drunk, but I thought you drunk the non-alcoholic wine." He says. I thought I did to.

I walk over to the table we sat at with the covers wrapped around me tightly.

The non-alcoholic wine was only a little gone while the other bottle of wine was completely gone. Mr. Hasegawa must have accidentally switched up the wines when he was pouring it for me.

I must have been out of it when I drunk my second glass.

" I'm pretty sure we did something last night and I would rather not discuss it." I said looking for my clothes. I can't leave looking the way I look or else my coworkers might put the pieces together.

" Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes. I promise to return them to you." I ask him not really wanting to, but I had to.

" Why, when you perfectly good clothes right there?" he asks being annoying.

" I can't leave like this." I say gesturing to the work clothes I had on yesterday.

" Sure but I don't know if they will fit." He says giving me a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

" Thank you." I say putting them on not caring if he saw me since we already did the unspeakable.

" Can you give me your business card or something that has your contact info so that I can return them to you." I ask. He pulls out a card from who knows where and gives it to me.

" Thank you." I say leaving out the door.

I just know I look weird and stupid wearing a hoodie with sweats with 3 inch heels on. But a lady gots to do what she gots to do.

I put the hoodie over my head and put my head down to make it seem like I'm a customer.

I'm in the elevator on my way down to lobby and I hope nobody sees me. The elevator opens at my stop and I quickly make my way out of the hotel and out of the sight of everybody eyes.

I hurry and make my way to the bus stop and head home. I swear I'm not going drink anything alcohol related for a while.

That just goes to show that drinking can be bad for you. After years of swearing to myself that I wasn't going to drink, it just went down the drain.

I make it home and shower while I still have time before I go back to work since it is still early. I throw the clothes I had on in the washer and start cleaning to get some things out my head.

When the clothes where done I put them in the dryer and got ready for work. I still have over an hour to get there so I can take my time getting there.

I grab some extra work clothes and put them in a bag, then head out the door for work.

I get to work on time and put the bag of clothes in my locker so that I can give them back to Mr. Hasegawa.

I honestly feel like crap. At this point it's too embarrassing to even show up. Luckily I don't have my rounds in the west wing today.

" Hey Naomi. I didn't see you for the rest of the day. I don't even think you clocked out." Alexa says popping out of nowhere.

" Yea I was in a hurry trying to get out of here. I was kinda in a hurry because of something personal that I probably forgot to clock out." I say making up something on the spot.

" Really?" She asked. I hate that she can see right through me.

" Yes really. Now let's get to work before we get into trouble." I say pushing her out of the staff room.

" Okay, okay I won't ask anymore." She says putting her hands up in surrender.

The rest of that week was fine and my body felt heavy but that was it. I also never saw Mr. Hasegawa there again so I never got to give him his clothes back. Not that I wanted to face him again anyway.

It's been about 4 months since the incident and to tell you the truth I have gained a lot of weight during that time. I think it's because I have picked up a second job and haven't been exercising like I usually do. Plus it is a café so I eat a lot of bread.

It might effect my results of the staff checkups we have tomorrow at the hotel. Hopefully I don't have too bad of a result.

I'm also almost at my goal with my savings. I planned to save over half a million so that I could live more comfortable with an easy job.

I've been passed my mark and the bonuses really did help. Plus I live in an one bedroom apartment so that's only taking out a little. And you don't need too much for one person, so I only get the stuff I need and if I really want something I would write it down so that I could get it later.

Now I'm almost to 600,000. I just need to get my paychecks for this month and I'll be 100,000 past my goal.

I never would have thought I could get to this point, but after 11 years of saving up I can finally live easily.

I've been saving up since I was 16 and I'm 27 now.

Of course I stayed with my mom for an extra two years after high school to save up money to move out.

Enough about my past. Right now I have to get home and soak in some Epson salt because my body feels so heavy.

I just got done with work at the café which is surprising more tiring then working in the hotel.

When I get home I throw my stuff on the bed and immediately run me a hot bubble bath so I can relax.

I look at my phone to see a message from Alexa.

Don't forget to come to get your checkup at the hospital before going to work or else the higher ups are going to scold you for not getting it and bringing in the results.

I know. I respond back. I really don't feel like getting up that early.

I take my bath, shave, and exfoliate knowing that the doctor is going to look down there.

To be honest I've never understood why they do that.

When I'm done I don't even try and put on clothes since I'm literally too tired to do anything. I set my alarm and get in bed and say a prayer before I go to sleep.

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