Chapter 13: Past

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Aria's POV


I was playing by the lake near our pack's border with my brother. We are both in our wolf form. I am so happy that he agreed when I asked him to play with me. We were splashing each other with cold water from the lake, when suddenly we heard some twigs snapping.

"Did you hear that?" Andrew asked me

"Yes, and what is that smell?" I replied

"Rogues" he said

I stood in my fighting stance, preparing myself for the sudden attack. Slowly, rogues started emerging from behind the trees, and it's not just one or two but there are at least twenty in total. Even though my brother and I are good fighters, we can't defeat so many rogues. 

We started fighting with them, a little later my brother said, "We can't defeat them, they are so many. Now do this, I will cover for you and you go back to the pack house and ask for help."

Instead of following his order, I said to him, "I will just send a signal asking for help and maybe they will come in time."

I howled loudly asking for help. Hoping our pack members could hear it. After sometime, Andrew and I both got tired and we both acquired a lot of injuries. When suddenly a rogue jumped from my back aiming at my neck. I tried to fight back but Andrew pushed me and he is the one who got bitten on the neck. I watched in horror as that rogue stripped my brother's neck making it bleed profusely.

That's when my father, with our pack members came and they started killing the rogues. I transformed back to my human form and ran towards Andrew.

"What happened? Why did you do that?" I asked him crying loudly by his side

"I h-have to s-save you, y-you are m-my sister. I w-will always p-protect you..."

"But why do you have to sacrifice yourself? Who will lead our pack in the future? Who will be the next Alpha?" I fired back

"Y-you are more i-important than t-that p-position. I c-can't hold on a-any l-longer... P-promise me y-you'll take c-care of m-mom and d-dad..." he said weakly

"I- I promise! Just don't leave me! Please just stay by my side." I cried harder

"I will a-always b-be with y-you p-princess..." he said not more than a whisper, then he slowly closed his eyes

"Noooooooooo! Andrew you can't leave me" I wailed and it started raining like the sky can feel my resentment at the same time my devastation over my brother's death.

My father approached us, when he saw that my brother is dead tears started to fall in his eyes and after a moment he howled loudly mourning over my brother's death. We stayed in that position for some time. Then one of the pack members said "Alpha, we have to go back"

"Let's go, carry my son carefully" my father replied. His Beta along with other pack members carefully picked my brother's body and they brought it to the pack house.

When we got back, my mother was waiting for us. And she cried hysterically when she saw my brother's state. She hugged his body and cried saying she shouldn't have allowed us to go to the lake, so that none of this would've happened.

Then she saw me and the next thing I knew, she grabbed my hair and started cursing at me. "This is all your fault! If you didn't ask your brother to go to that stupid lake he would've still be alive." she shouted.

When my father heard this he walked towards me, "Help me dad, this not my fault... I- I only asked b-brother to p-play with m-me." I pleaded crying hard

I thought he will help me and stop mother from hurting me but I was wrong. He slapped me hard in my face and said "I don't have a daughter like you who got her brother killed! From now on you are not my daughter anymore! You are a traitor of this pack! You got their next Alpha killed! You will be a servant to us."

"Father please..." I said, tears streaming down my face

"Don't call me father I don't have a daughter like you!" he spat

That is the day when my life started to crumble and I became a traitor, servant and a 'punching bag' of my pack

End of Flashback


I didn't realize that I started crying when I told Ethan the reason why my pack hated me.

He hugged me and comforted me saying it's not my fault

"But I am the reason why we are on the lake" I said still crying

"Well it's not your fault that rogues attacked you and your brother. They are the ones who caused his death not you." he said

"But-" I tried to argue but he kissed me

After I calmed down, we fixed ourselves and lay in the bed. "Sleep tight love" Ethan said lovingly then he fall asleep earlier than me.

But I can't sleep and I can't stop thinking about how I got my brother killed because of my selfishness. 'If I didn't ask him to play on the lake with me he may still be alive right now and ready to take on his Alpha position.' I thought to myself and let the tears fall from my eyes freely.


Author's Note

So what can you say about this chapter? Did you understand her past?

Hope you like it :)

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