Chapter Twelve

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The next morning when I woke up the spot next to me was cold and I frowned

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The next morning when I woke up the spot next to me was cold and I frowned. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms before a smile overtook my face.

It was Christmas!

I slid out of bed and walked out of the room. When I closed the door behind me and looked up my breathing stopped.

Yesterday after we had finished making the cinnamon rolls and devouring them we decorated the house with the limited decorations we had but we had let the ornaments be since we didn't have a Christmas tree.

So then, why was there a decorated Christmas tree next to the fireplace?

I looked at Aster who was sitting on the couch with a grin and a laugh of disbelief bubbled out of me. He was wearing his red Santa sweater and a Santa hat was sitting on top of his hair.

He stood up and walked over to me, gently putting the other Santa hat over my head.

"Merry Christmas, darling." He said leaning down and pressing a small kiss on my forehead.

"Aster." I whispered as tears blurred my vision and my throat clogged up. "H-how did you-?"

"Are you crying?" Aster asked, alarmed and I let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob as I threw my arms around him.

"I-I don't even know what to say." I said, my voice muffled from my face being squished in his neck.

"You can tell me if you like it." Aster told me as he wrapped his arms around me and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I love it. How did you even get the tree?" I asked pulling away but he kept his arms around me.

"I got it from the forest we're surrounded by." He chuckled as he moved my hair away from my face and cupped it.

"I woke up super early for you and you thank me by crying?" He said as he wiped the corner of my eyes with his thumb.

"These are happy tears." I sniffed and he smiled, moving his face closer to mine until his forehead was resting against mine.

"No one has ever done something as sweet for me as you've been doing for me since the moment I met you and I just I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you." I told him looking into his eyes as they softened.

"You don't need to thank me Hyacinth. I feel really happy just being with you here, in this cabin. I thought I was going to spend my Christmas alone but then you came stumbling into my life and I couldn't ask for anything else." He confessed and I smiled widely at him.

"I'm really happy I'm spending it with you too." I told him.

"Go freshen up and wear your sweater and then we'll eat breakfast." He said and I nodded, getting out of his hold and walking over to the bathroom.

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