40 | Maybe Baby

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Chapter 40 : Maybe Baby

I stood there, silently as Omar stared back at me with serious eyes. His eyes were always warm and calming but today they seemed dark and stern.

"It's not what you're thinking," I stuttered.

"So then what is it?," he questioned.

"I mean obviously it's a test but—"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Please don't lie to me again," he snapped.

"I don't get where all this hostility is even coming from right now, it's a pregnancy test that you went digging through a bag to find, why?," I asked.

He began to firmly rub his hand across his face. I could sense the tension in his jaw. I'd never seen him this way before, it startled and worried me.

"I wasn't snooping I was helping put things away and noticed it Faith," he replied.

At that moment thunder vibrated throughout the apartment loudly, shaking the walls. I peeked outside through the kitchen window and noticed a huge lightning strike in the near distance, shortly after it was pitch black dark throughout the whole city.

I turned on my phone's flashlight and continued to quickly put up the rest of the items I had gotten from the store. I felt him watching me the whole time, this made my skin quiver.

I quickly mopped up the orange juice that had spilt as well.

Suddenly, I had forgotten all about our conversation. I just wanted to prepare for this storm. Who knew how long the lights might be out?

I unpacked two portable multi-port portable chargers and a huge center flashlight I had bought that would light up the apartment for us.

I noticed that Omar had sat down on the couch with his head between his hands. His whole posture spelled out stress, which I could understand.

My pregnancy test results had finally began to hit me. I had joked about it earlier because I thought it was impossible but now that I was attempting to face the music, it was scary.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Baby please just say something," I pleaded.

"I don't even know what to say, I got so many questions."

"Shoot," I insisted.

"When did you find out, today?"

"Yes. I was at Ashley's place," I replied.

"You didn't think to immediately tell me?"

"No. I didn't. I didn't know what to do or even how to register it until just now," I explained.

"What do you want to do about it, I mean are you ready?," he asked.

His question repeated at least a hundred times in my head before I finally muttered, "I don't know."

"I'm not" he added, firmly.

I gulped and felt like I had suddenly swallowed my tongue. I didn't expect him to be happy, I wasn't. I guess I just didn't expect him to be so cold.

"I can't get to a doctor until at least next week to even confirm anything," I stated. My mouth had gotten dry from the fear I was feeling, I felt lost for words but still forced them out.

"Do you want me to come with you?," he asked.

"Nope. I'm good."

My words must've come out harsher than expected because he gave me a confused look in return.

"Look, I'm not ready but I can become ready. I just want to know what it is you want. This is your body."

"I want to confirm it before I start thinking about what I want," I responded.

"Fair enough. Come here," he insisted, patting the spot on the couch next to him.

I plopped down and laid my head onto his shoulder. I felt his tension ease up and suddenly felt a little calmer. I had a million thoughts in my head.

What if I'm actually pregnant? What will we do? How will this change us? Was I genuinely ready? Would I be a good mom?

I suddenly began to feel very overwhelmed. The thoughts and questions in my head were sinking in more than ever.

"Whatever you end up choosing to do, we're going through it together," he said, placing a kiss on top of my forehead.

"Thank you," I replied.

He placed his head into my neck and I felt the warmness of his breath against my skin.

Suddenly, he felt calm and comforting again. I had expected him to be scared and freaked out, I just hated it.

I laid bundled up under him and suddenly I felt my phone begin to vibrate from inside of my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed an unknown caller identified on the screen. I thought about what day it was and realized it was probably Scarlett.

I quickly stood up and went to lock myself in the bathroom.

"Hey stranger, you got the money? Let's do this," Scarlett croaked from the other line.

"About that, I think maybe I need to try to talk to him about this first. I want to see if I can make him flee town, can you come with me when this storm passes?," I asked.

She sighed. "Sure."

"Okay well call me back Monday, please."

She disconnected the line and I walked back to the living room where Omar sat waiting for me.

"What was that about?," he asked.

"Nothing really," I replied.

He stared back at me curiously, "Don't lie, you're horrible at it."

"I'm just talking to someone about helping me out with Jax, that's all."

"You mean like offing him?," he asked. He stared back at me with widened eyes.

"Something like that."

"Baby, it's not that deep. I already beat his ass and so did Trev he won't be bothering you anymore," he assured.

"It's deeper than the situation at the restaurant, me and Jax have some not so pretty business history together. I just need to guarantee he won't be a problem going forward."

"Like what?," he asked.

"We'll get into that later."

I could tell he wanted to continue questioning me but instead he nodded and placed his arms over me. I laid there in his arms as the storm continued to build up outside, I still felt as safe as ever.

A/N : I'm so sorry you guys, I know I haven't been writing as much but I promise I will have more chapters coming very soon! Hope you guys enjoyed this. Stay tuned. 🖤

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