Bonus Chapter - Class D's Introductions

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This video is from Class D's first day.

Honestly, this has little significance but I found it amusing so you can watch it too.

"Does that mean the other scenes were somehow significant?" Akito seemed lost.

"Well, I guess we learned that Ayanokoji-kun and Horikita-san weren't on good terms," Mori said, "I don't know if that's considered significant though."

As someone who dislikes trouble, I decided I'd like to establish proper relationships. Unfamiliar with the notion, I'd spent the day before in preparation, running through different scenarios.

"Ayanokoji-kun's perspective again..." Matsushita muttered.

"Eh-um- Kiyotaka-kun?" Airi had been quiet since we had entered the gym but now spoke up, "What does it mean, that you were unfamiliar with relationships?"

"I've told you before, Airi," I responded, "I struggle to express myself and that means maintaining relationships is a challenge for me."

"Ah" She smiled at me and nodded. Airi understood better than most the difficulties of overcoming your nature.

"Still, you 'spent the day before in preparation', Kiyopon," Haruka giggled at me, "I'm a loner too and even I didn't go that far."

"Do you have to tease him, Haruka?" Akito valiantly came to my defence.

"Hmm-sorry, sorry!" Haruka was still smiling. Nope, she wasn't sorry at all.

For instance, should I burst into the classroom and actively start talking to people? Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, so as to better befriend someone? Someone like me needed to practice, because this environment was so different from what I'd experienced thus far. I was completely isolated. I had ventured alone into a battlefield, and it was do or die.

Muffled laughs came from multiple areas of the gymnasium. Kei suddenly hid her face and started coughing next to me. It was hurtfully clear she was trying to disguise her giggling.

"A battlefield, Ayanokoji, seriously?!" Sudo, on the other hand, wasn't trying to be considerate at all, "It's not like that at all, man!"

"Hey guys, as Kiyotaka-kun said before, he struggles to express himself and I'm sure that other members of this class can empathise with that," Yosuke reasoned with them, "Also, Kiyotaka, I apologise for not doing more to include you at the beginning of the year."

He bowed his head. Hirata Yosuke had tried to bring everyone together at the start of our first term and that included me. If not for my personality, he probably would have succeeded. Disregarding Ike, Sudo and Yamauchi, who resented Yosuke for his popularity, the rest of the class would have been glad to have someone like him to help make integrating into the school easier.

"That's not on you, Yosuke," I said, "I have myself to blame for being bad at making friends."

Looking around the classroom, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. A good place to sit, generally. As I looked around, I saw that the room was already halfway filled with students. The others were either immersed in their class materials or already talking with other people. Perhaps they'd all been friends beforehand or had only recently gotten acquainted. Well then, what should I do? Take action during this free time and try to meet someone? In front of me, a rather rotund boy sat at his desk, hunching over. Perhaps it was my imagination, but he appeared lonely.

The boy exuded an aura that seemed to shout, "Please, someone be my friend!" However, if you just went up to someone and started talking, you might be bothering them. Should you wait for the right time? But then you might wait too long and be left friendless. I just had to... No, no, wait, I couldn't be hasty. If I started a thoughtless conversation with someone I didn't know, I ran the risk of making a serious social gaffe.

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