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Nancy sat waiting, sat on the bench overlooking the canal while the sun shone down on her, wind whistling through the trees and causing ripples on the surface of the water.

It was late afternoon on a Saturday and Nancy had left Vincent with Esme, insisting she had some errands to run for a couple of hours.

It had been a strange few weeks for Nancy and Vincent. The two of them had been staying at Esme and John's house again while their window got fixed, though Nancy could barely sleep most nights, afraid of hearing the glass break again after they moved back in.

Despite the constant fear, she still found herself sat by the water, waiting.

Nancy wasn't sure why she was there, slowly beginning to question herself when she saw him approach her. The shadows from the trees were cast across his face, though he gave her a smile as he drew closer.

"Nance," Henry smiled and hugged his estranged wife, "Thank you for meeting me, thank you so much."

Nancy just nodded and sat back down on the bench, Henry beside her. He stayed quiet for a few moments, his hands rubbing up and down his thighs as he sighed, thinking of what to say.

"I'm sorry."

Nancy said nothing.

"Please just come home, Nance. I miss you, I miss Vin. I know I've not been the best father or husband but-"

"You beat me, daily, and you've burned our son's arm and broke into our home. Too bleeding right you're not the best husband or father, Henry."

Henry just sighed, knowing she was right. After Nancy and Vincent had left, the realisation of just how good he had it hit him. All his friends had wives and children to go home to, to spend their weekends with, to love. Suddenly, Henry was all alone.

"I can change, I have changed, let me prove it to you, Nance. I know you still love me."

Nancy turned to look at Henry. Her face was blank and her eyes were like glass, there was no emotion behind them.

"I've sold my wedding ring. You should do the same. You should also sign the divorce papers, I know you've got them."

Henry threw his head into his hands, scrunching his blond hair in his fists.

"Fuck sake, I need you. I can't do this without you, I'm in love with you Nance and I can't apologise enough for what I've done. I'll never lay another finger on you or Vin, I swear."

Nancy sighed and looked out at the water. In the distance, she saw the bridge that she'd pulled Arthur Shelby down from on the night they met.

"No," she said, "You should never have done it in the first place. I won't risk my own safety and I certainly won't risk my son's."

"You can't stop me from seeing Vin, you can't." Henry said as he rose to his feet, his voice laced with panic.

"I can, and I will. You're a danger to him."

Henry laughed and shook his head.

"So I can't see my boy, but the bloke that walks around blinding people can carry him around Small Heath in front of my own two eyes?"

Nancy clenched her jaw, trying to bite her tongue at Henry's words.

"Arthur is a good man. He's done more for me and Vincent than you ever did."

"He doesn't love you, Nance. I love you, I love Vinny, just come home for crying out loud."

Henry took Nancy's hand in his own, his thumb stroking the back of her hand gently and his eyes gazing into her own, pleading with her. Nancy hadn't seen that look in his eyes since the day they got married. There used to be a spark in his baby blue eyes that made her heart skip a beat, only since the day they exchanged their vows, she saw nothing but darkness when she looked at her husband.

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