Thank You For Reading And What's Next?

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I admit, when I first started this story, I had no idea it would reach 60 chapters and almost 120,000 words. If you're reading this, that's how much you've just read. That in itself is a serious commitment, and I'd like to thank you for sticking with it to the end. You have my heartfelt gratitude for following Denton and his adventures this far.

The obvious question now is: will there be another Denton story? The answer is almost certainly yes. When is another question I don't know the answer to yet. I have several ideas for future adventures. Unfortunately, other stories have gotten in the way and as they have been further along in planning, I figured I better get them done first. So, while waiting to find out when Denton rides again, why don't you check out some of these other adventures? Here's a quick sampling:

Intervention is a dive into a dystopian future where Earth has been ravaged by a natural disaster and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Salvation for the future can only be found in the past, yet it will be determined in the future. Follow Lincoln as he navigates a world full of political intrigue, betrayal, danger and adventure.

Hive Island - The Awakening is my very first zombie story. It was written for the ONC contest in 2020. It takes the zombie concept and puts a little bit of a spin on it. "Hive" is a bit of a clue to that. Regardless, if you like zombies, action and adventure, this is a good option for you to dig into. It's relatively short in comparison to The Descent so it's a quick but exciting read.

The Departure Protocol is my latest story. It begun as a project for the Wattys 2020, but I never finished it. Instead, I've been pushing to complete it for Wattys 2022 instead. Set on a distant planet, our hero discovers that the society he is a part of is built on a dangerous lie. Unraveling that lie could lead to the breakdown of society, but keeping the secret will result in the eventual death of everyone. His future and that of those he loves depends on the choices he makes.

Of course, there are several other shorter stories sprinkled across my profile. Feel free to check them out as well!

Once again, thank you for reading The Descent. I hope to see you in one of the other universes I've created above. 


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