Bonus Chapter 7

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Flashback continues. ..

Author's pov :

The next day afternoon after the celebration of Amu's university entrance with all the family members :

After knowing Amu got a seat to study in London, all the family members are so happy as Amu's dream come true. Her mother got too emotional thinking that her little daughter would go alone to an unknown country. But her father handled the situation well encouraged Amu to move forward with university work and also suggested she should take self-defence classes.

Yesterday night after all the celebrations Amu slept late at night and woke up late in the morning. Though she is happy in terms of her future studies and her family's support, the worry of her relationship with Yash is not leaving her.

By the time Amu got down after getting fresh up, Yash is sitting beside Arjun sipping his coffee. Arjun tried calling Yash last night to inform about Amu's university selection and to invite him to the surprise party but Yash's number is unreachable even after the number of times he tried so he stopped trying and informed Yash in the morning.

With Arjun's call, Yash understood why Amu's called him yesterday and immediately reached Arjun's house to congratulate her. He remembers Amu once sharing about her future studies plans with him, one part of him is happy for her achievements but another part is restless as she will soon going away from him. 

During the first month of their dating Amu mostly stayed at Arjun's house, she used to take initiative mostly in every step of their relationship. She is the one who proposed to take him for their first date, she made a reservation at a beautiful place and the menu is full of Yash's favourite items. She made it one of the beautiful memory in Yash's life. She used to encourage him during important meetings and do a small celebration for his every small success. They together went on many short road trips.

Later due to final exams, she again has to move back to her college. Due to exam preparations, Amu is not able to find much time to talk with Yash even on the phone. Yash can understand exams are important and Amu is not at all avoiding him but he started to miss spending time with her. Whenever he closes his eyes he can only see her images, her silly antics, her mood swings, her care and her confessions. It started to scare him. His past vow to no commitments again triggered his brain. He doesn't want to deeply involve in a relationship with any girl not even Amu. If only one month time with her made him deeply involved he can't imagine what would happen in the future. What if after getting too involved she leaves him one day? No. All these thoughts started corrupting his brain. 

He again started to go back to his past lifestyle. Late night parties, drinks and girls. His past life made him temporarily forgot all the thoughts which are wandering in his brain. He started to avoid Amu most of the time. In his heart, he knows all this is wrong but his brain is nowhere understanding this. 

Now after listening she is going to London for her further studies one part of him is saying he can easily forget her and move on in his life. There will be no heartbreaks, no pain and nothing. It is good for both. But the other part is too restless to think anything.

Arjun and Yash noticed Amu presence. Yash came out of his thoughts and congratulated her with a fresh tulip flowers bouquet. Amu normally thanked him for the flowers as Arjun too present with them.

Later same day evening:(Yash and Amu met in a cafe at Amu's request)

"Why are you doing this?" Amu asked with frustration after getting seated.

"What am I doing?" Yash asked casually checking the menu.

"Ignoring me. Avoiding me. Telling lies. Again going back to your old lifestyle." Amu said.

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