Chapter 2

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I stumbled, "Mai! Are you okay?" I nodded, "I will carry you." He said putting me on his back. How can these three have so much stanima? I mean, we've been runing for hours and they look like nothing happened. "It makes sense that you're tired after running this long. You haven't been trained by Guy-sensei." TenTen said the last part as if something were wrong. "Don't worry. Soon you will be able to run this long as well." She smiled.

After awhile, I had passed out. Or fell asleep, but I have no dreams. Once I was conscious again, I noticed that the sun was up, and I could see something in the distance. "Your awake." Neji said, "We are almost there, but it will be another hour before we arrive."

"Once we get to Suna, what are we going to do with the scroll?" Lee asked. "We were never told who to give it to, so it must be going to the Kazekage." Neji replied. "But there is no Kazekage right now." TenTen informed him. "You're right. We'll figure out in a few minutes." He said.

And as he said, we were there in a few minutes, and Lee put me down so I could walk. There was a ninja standing at the gate. "Halt. What is your business in Suna?" He demanded. "We are here to deliver something from the Hokage." Neji held out the scroll. "Seems legit. You may enter." And then he moved out of the way.

We walked through the gate, and as soon as we entered I noticed that everyone was staring. It was to be expected. A couple of Genin entering the Sand, now that doesn't happen a lot.

I noticed a girl staring at us, but she was my age, and she wore the sand headband. Smiling, she walked away. I tried to see where she went, but soon she was out of my sight. I don't know why, but there was something different about her. Something special.

"Mai." TenTen said. "Are you listening." I nodded. "We should go to the Kazekage building and deliver the scroll to whoever is filling in right now." Neji suggested, and we all agreed.

I guess I was the only one who noticed her. I have a feeling I will meet her again, and I think that time is soon. "That's the Kazekage building, I think!" Lee pointed out. "Yes, Lee. It appears to be so." Neji replied.

We walked up, and someone stopped us, "May I help you?" She was a girl with blonde hair, a huge fan, and I confident smile. "We need to give this scroll to whoever is taking the place of the Kazekage currently." Neji said. "Hey sis, who are these twerps."

A new guy appeared, and he wore purple face paint, and all black. Something large was wrapped up on his back. "Quiet Kankuro. These four are on official business." He frowned and walked away. "Don't mind my brother, he can be somewhat of an... Idiot." She smiled. "We have dealt with our own share of those." Neji said looking at Lee. "Can you help us deliver this?" TenTen asked.

She smiled and motioned us to follow, in which we did. The path seemed confusing to me, but I was never good with directions or maps. I always seem to get lost in new places.

We arrived at a door and she knocked. "Come in." A voice said. The door opened to reveal a group of people sitting at a round table. "This is from the Hokage." Neji said, and one of the men walked up and grabbed it. "Thank you. You can leave or stay for the night in Suna. Just don't cause any trouble."

We walked out of the building, "Bye." That was the blonde. "Bye." And that was TenTen. "We should stay here and rest for the night." TenTen then said. "Yes. Let's go to a hot spring!" He said. "There are no hot springs in a desert." Neji said meanly.

I just pointed at it, an Inn. It was called, 'Sandy Inns'. It seemed like a decent place, and was near us. "That seems good enough." TenTen said. "Oh okay." Lee replied.

"It will be 2,000 per night per room." The receptionist informed us. That would be 8,000 if we all got a room. What a waste. "We'll take one room." Neji said, "Are you sure you all want to share one bed?" She asked. "Yes."

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