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I had splashed water on my face and reapplied makeup in the bathroom so no one knew.

Now it was lunch and I was sitting with my group plus a few other people we were friends with.

We were talking about some random shit. Just regular small talk, which incidentally I was awful at.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Ashton had walked up behind me without me noticing.

"Um yeah, of course." I get up and notice Leila giving me knowing looks, I just flip her off and follow Ashton into the hallway outside of the lunchroom.

"Can we walk a little?" He asks, his voice sounding nervous.

"Sure, whatever you want." I was starting to get a little concerned, to be honest. We start walking down the hallway in no particular direction.

"Um, I just wanted to—I uh..I'm sorry." He stutters, he looks so unsure about what he's saying. It's so adorable that I want to forgive him, and I don't even know what I'm forgiving him for. "In class I said a bunch of insensitive things and I didn't mean to hurt you..I mean—it was all sarcasm I didn't mean anything said. I just want you to know that I say a lot of harsh things but I'm truly sorry if any of them hurt you. Sorry I'm not so good at saying sorry..and now I can't stop saying sorry-"

"I forgive you." I cut him off. "I mean there wasn't really anything to forgive I was just—I'm in a really bad mood today so anything has made me upset." He looked visibly relieved.

"Oooh someone's time of month has come." He teases me, his old self completely back.

"Thank the fucking gods I'm not on my period because if I was I'd be acting a lot shittier towards everyone."

"I'm not sure, you already act pretty shittily towards everyone. I don't know how it could get worse."

"Oh fuck you."

"Really? I expected more from you. You've had some pretty good insults—some I've even written in my insult book—I thought you would be able to come up with a better comeback than just 'fuck you.' That's such a boring comeback, bland if I may." I don't even bother to ask what his insult book is, pretty sure I don't want to know.

"About as bland as your sex."

"Ouch that one hurt. I'll have you know you my sex is not bland. Frankly, it's quite the opposite, ask practically anyone at my old school, I'm kinky." He says this with a wink, and I roll my eyes.

"If your sex isn't bland, and I'll take your word for it, that means my insult wasn't either. Oh how I love good wording." He clearly replays what I said to him in his head.

"About as.." I can practically see the wheels turn in his head. "We've got ourselves a smart one here." He smirks.

"Smarter than you'll ever be." I snort.

"I don't think that's true. I mean, I can show you my grades." He trails off as if waiting for me to ask for him to show them to me. When I don't, he carries on anyway.

"The worst grade I've ever gotten was in math, and it was an.." he paused for dramatic effect "A-"

"What the fuck? The worst grade you've ever gotten?!" I'm shocked and my face clearly portrays that emotion because he is laughing at me.

"Mmhmm." He nods his head, making the message clear. I scoff at him,

"I bet you can't translate any of that into real life situations."

"I would say I can, do you want to know why?" This time he doesn't even wait for me to ask. "Because I have translated all my reading into good grades and I would say that's harder than transferring good grades into real life situations."

"You read?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Sunflower." Let me just tell you that isn't the first time someone has told me that. I don't know where that awful nickname came from but I hate it. I would go so far to say I despise it, and I use the word despise sparingly.

"Don't ever call me Sunflower again or I will cut off your ballsack and shove it into the wrong hole 'accidentally.'" I threaten.

"Kinky!" He says with a wink. I groan.

"You spend too much time with Kai." I state. He just shrugs.

"Or Kai spends too much time with me." Then he laughs. "No it's definitely the other way around. I definitely wasn't born as messed up as I am right now." I laugh. He was fun company.

"So what kind of books do you read?" I want to know more about him.

"Uh uh. Not your business. If you want to know more about me then you have to actually spend time with me outside class.

And with that he left me.

I was now standing in the hall like an idiot watching him walk away from me, my mouth hanging open.
A/N: This is a fucking double update and honestly both chapters are fire so go me.

I have big news....I FINALLY ACTUALLY EDITED A CHAPTER! Not very thoroughly so if there are still mistakes don't blame me but it was the thought that counts.

Also isnt Ashton literally the cutest person. (Also I feel the need to mention her period quite a few times and have her be on it in a realistic sense because literally every Wattpad girl just doesn't get her period and they suck and we need sympathy so I'm actually making it realistic. Your welcome.)

I love how Kai rubs off (that's what she said. Stop. Iykyk.) on Ashton lmao he's too much.

Kisses 💋

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