Breaking Point

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Many months passed and many things have happened. The men and women have left to raid Paris, your parents included. Phorunn, Bjorn's wife had left Kattegat, leaving Siggy, her daughter, in Aslaug's care.

At the moment, Aslaug sat in her throne, dealing with the usual problems in Kattegat. At this time of day, she will decide the fate of criminals.

"Who is this young man?" Aslaug asked as two men brought in another. It was clear this man was a Christian. He wore a cross around his neck, his hair tied in a ponytail behind his head. He was not Viking.

"His name is Ansgar." One man said

"What is he accused of?" The Queen asked

"He is a stranger, a Christian, a missionary, so he claims." The other man said. "He has been in the marketplace, denouncing our Gods."

With that, the crowd roared in anger, shouting insults. You got so angry, you threw a cup at the man. Aslaug quickly grabbed your arm and picked you up with a sigh to stop you from getting to angry. She understood why you hated the Christians that spoke ill of your Gods. People had noticed that you were acting more and more like Floki.

They said you were just as mad as him.

"Is it true?" Aslaug asked as she rubbed soothing circles on your back.

"It is true that I begged the people here to desist from worshipping false Gods and serving the devil." Ansgar said. "Your Gods are made with human hands and are deaf, dumb and blind."

The crowd began roaring at him again. Even Aslaug was shocked that he dared insult the Gods as you shouted at him.

"What salvation can they bring you?" Ansgar asked. "Who, being senseless, can save themselves?"

"I may admit that your Christ is a God." Aslaug said after the crowd finished throwing insults at the Christian. "But, even so, our Gods are greater, their signs and wonders mightier. Is it not true?"

The crowd shouted in agreement as you nodded when Aslaug looked to you.

"No." Ansgar said. "God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are the one God! The rest are just false idols!"

People, like you, threw cups at him as you all continued to shout. One man forced Ansgar to his knees.

"And will you subject your bold assertions to the judgement of the Gods?" Aslaug asked.

" I will." He said, standing up. The crowd laughed and murmured of his bold and brave words.


Later that day, you were all outside. Ansgar was to be forced to carry a burning hot piece of iron from the blacksmiths shop all the way to Aslaug's throne. It wasn't to far, but for someone in that much pain? It would fell like an eternity.

You could tell Ansgar was nervous and fearful as he stared at the red hot metal. He held his cross tightly until it was time.

"Let us begin." Aslaug said

As soon as the rod was placed in Ansgar's hands, he screamed in pain. The crowd cheered loudly in amusement as Ansgar stumbled to Aslaug, wincing and screaming in pain that made him see white.

When he was finally allowed to drop the rod, the flesh on his hands was burnt red and black from the heat. The man wailed and wailed yet no one felt pity for him. This was his punishment.


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