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Luna was sleeping for the whole day. She have fever and was burning up. Ukai already gave her medicine before he went to Karasuno in the evening.

She felt sweaty and very uncomfortable. Then she suddenly heard knocking sounds from the front door. Luna wrapped herself in the white fluffy blanket. Her forehead still plastered with 'koolfever'. Her hair was messy  and the skin look sickly pale.

Luna stepped out carefully as her legs shaking badly. She barely made it to the door because of the dizziness.

As she twist the door knob open, she saw four familiar faces. She squinted her eyes to see clearly but she almost fall down due to unbalanced standing.

Luckily, Akaashi manage to hold her by waist. "Sorry Luna. We came suddenly." Akaashi lift Luna up in bridal style and walked into the house. Bokuto who was behind Akaashi immediately ran after him, followed by Kuroo and Kenma.

Bokuto asked Luna where her room was, and Luna weakly pointed to a room. Akaashi enter the room and gently lay Luna down on the bed. He sat on the bed beside Luna. He kept carressing her head.

Kenma sat down beside Luna's bed and grab her hand. "We apologize, Luna. I heard what had happen yesterday from Shoyo and was worried. I told Kuroo but he told Bokuto, and of course, Bokuto told Akaashi." Kenma sighed glaring at Kuroo. The rooster head only shrugged with a smile.

They all absent from school to come to Miyagi. Luna smiled softly snuggling Kenma's hands. "I-It's okay...I like it you a-all here..." Luna said looking at the boys. Obviously, the boys felt relieved that their precious girl is comfortable with them.

"Little one, are you...okay? Do you umm..feel scared because of yesterday?" Bokuto said twirling Luna's hair with his finger. His face was scrunched up. Brows turned into frown.

Luna kept quiet for a moment. Akaashi thought she was afraid so he softly brushed Luna's hair with his fingers. Maybe as reassurance to make sure Luna knows they will always by her side.

Luna fiddled with her fingers. Kuroo noticed she was trembling a little thus he carressed her palm. "It's fine if you can't tell us. But we will always by your side if you need us." After learning how Karasuno threat Luna to lock her up, and how she went panick, the tall male now acknowledge where the bottom line of the small girl now.

And he knows, their plan to kidnap her and confine her was a failing plan. When Kenma told him about Luna's abusive home all him wanted was to give the abuser hell. However, at that moment, the rage Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi felt when they learned about the abuse turned into a realization.

If they did imprison her, didn't that just meant, them and the abuser have no difference?

Bokuto looked sadly at Luna's sick face, her lips cracked and her eyes almost lost its brights.

The four boys knew, in their heart, it is better to see that Luna cannot be theirs only, rather than seeing her lost her shine.

"Uh..yesterday..." Luna's soft voice broke their train of thoughts. They all placed their focused on the pale girl. " really s-scared me..I-I umm..I don't know..I is-am shocked to hear Tsuki s-said that..."

Luna couldn't continue her words as sobs coming out of her mouth. Her shoulders shaking while the tears trickled down. Akaashi immediately brought Luna to his lap. His hand rubbed her back slowly and his other hand placed on the back of her head.

"'s okay now.." Akaashi whispered in her ears as he slowly rocking her. Kenma sat on the bed beside Akaashi. He took Luna's hand and intertwined their fingers. His thumb draw circle on her small palm.

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