Chapter 27

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Angry fists banged against the wooden camp gates even as a host of Midaelian guards swung them close. A trail of angry villagers had followed the emissary and the mages all the way up from Kinallen, hollering at the top of their hoarse voices for justice, until the soldiers had but no choice the shut the gates at their infuriated faces.

Attacks on the Drisian emissary would further complicate this situation, even though the soldiers shared much the same sentiment.

Captain Reylan couldn't care less, head held high as he stood within the circle of mages who were obligated to give him protection.


Lieutenant Evander's arms remained folded behind his back, ignoring the hand Captain Reylan had offered. He withdrew it with a seething look, and as he did, Farren caught the glimmer of the silver ring around his index finger.

"This must be a Drisian royal custom I'm not aware of," said the lieutenant.

Reylan's eyes narrowed on him. "Pardon?"

"To first burn down a village, then send condolences to its people," he said, "I'm wondering if we Midaelians should adopt such a custom as well. Perhaps we should send your severed head back to your king with our deepest and most sincere apologies."

"Threats directed at the emissary will not be tolerated!" One of the Council Mages led his mount forward, and regarded Lieutenant Evander with a glare, his hand hovering over the jeweled rapier at his belt. Captain Reylan dissuaded him with a gesture of his hand.

"Well then," said Second Lieutenant Audryn to the mage, "tell your emissary that words of condolences don't mend gutted homes and soothe scalded flesh."

A crease formed between the captain's pale eyebrows. "If your king is indeed incapable of providing shelter and relief for his people, do not hesitate to reach out to us," he said, tilting his head with a grin, revealing perfect teeth. "King Krugmann is most generous."

Farren had half a mind to shatter those teeth with a blow of her axe-handle, but seeing the six powerful Council mages the captain had as escort, she decided against it. Glancing at Rendarr, she figured he was holding himself back for similar reasons. Then, someone else answered on their behalf.

"Kinallen's folk would rather spend their nights 'neath the sky and eat dirt than accept your help!" Spat a peasant who was hauling in carts of hay for the stables some dozen paces far. The others accompanying him gave affirmative shouts and hollers.

Captain Reylan looked at them with only mild disdain, then turned to the lieutenant with his ghastly smile once again. "Well, good for them, they know their place," he said, "but better I come to address the matter I am here for, because I have no desire to tarry here for long."

"Speak," said the lieutenant curtly.

"Despite the vile accusations hurled at my king and my people, I bring you assurance that we are not responsible for the attack on Kinallen and the casualties resulting from it. Yet we figured, from the nature of the attack and involvement of Firemounts, the blame is sure to fall on us-- soldiers of Calbridge Division, simply because we are stationed nearest to the eastern border of Midaelia."

"In the woods, my squad ran into a skirmish with soldiers of your division, Captain," said Klo, her voice measured and calm. "Drisian soldiers, who admitted to having assisted the bandits who raided the village that night."

They also admitted something else. The abduction of Commander Karyk.

Farren sighed in relief, seeing that Klo didn't reveal that. This captain must not know how much we know.

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