Chapter -53

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I took them out and a tear drop fell on them.

Yes,I am crying, after six years...and the reason is the same girl......only two woman had the power to make me was my eomma..she made me cry because of her death......and other is y/n.

I looked at those papers

There were around thirteen papers in it...I opened the first paper and a chuckle left my mouth reading the first few words.

It was the first letter I wrote for confess my feelings when I was 14...11 years ago.

Examination Hall

23rd August 2010

Dear Y/n

I hope you are in the pink of your health........I don't know how to write such a letter but....I just want to say.....I like you more than a please don't partner with that shrewd sized..jun-hoo....tell make you and me partners..she will listen to you.


Your best friend
Kim Taehyung

I didn't knew how to write such letters back then,so I used the format taught in the school...but even before giving this to her...she already started the project with that jun-hoo, so I never gave it to her.

I put that letter back and took out the another one.

Hey, my best friend

I don't know why has this happened with me.....why is it only you who is in my mind evertime.....I can't do anything else..besides thinking about know what, I always say that ' you look like a rowdy ,rouge, crackhead don't even look like a girl'....but that's not true...I say that just to tease you, because I love your irritated face,but the reality is that you are very beautiful......infact you are the most beautiful girl I have ever are even more beautiful than Seo yea ji..... basically what I wanna say is...I like you y/n... scratch that...I love you y/n.....soo much....I don't know about your feelings...but I think you consider me just as a best friend....but I hope you give me a chance....I will always be there for you... because I love you soo much....will you be my girlfriend y/n?"

1st April 2012

This was another letter I wrote her, when I was sixteen...during this time,I was going through puberty...and at this love was just not in control...i was so eager to make her mine...also I wrote it on 1st April, so that if she rejects me, I will say it's an April fool prank........ but I still couldn't give her....because she never gave any signal which could make me think,I may have a chance,moreover I was coward.

I took out another letter...and a deep frown rested on my face, was a heartbroken letter I wrote...

Don't know what to say or how to say.....but I hope you understand what I wrote, I hope you understand my feelings ,finally.......y/n...I don't see you as a friend...not's been years now since I last saw you as a are much more special,much more important,much more desirable to me than a friend..... watching you smile, watching you happy, watching you enjoy your time is the best feeling for me....I can't describe in words what my heart feels when I see you smile genuinely......and I also can't describe in words what your tears do my heart...........I know nowadays you smile,laugh and enjoy your time more with him than me....being honest...I truly hate the fact that he could make you happy more than me....I hate the fact that he is whom your eyes search always....I hate the fact that he is your boyfriend...and I hate the fact that you love him.......but this love I have for you is much more stronger and powerful to overcome the hate and let me tolerate him with you as long as you are happy.......yes,y/n...I love you...I love you very very very much......I know there is no point of confessing now..when there is someone else in your heart.... but it's been years and I don't think I could keep it in with me anymore...I just want to confess....I know you may have many questions related to this..and I am ready to answer all those.......I don't know what this letter would do to our friendship....but I hope it stays the same if it can't be more than this.

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