Chapter Forty-Six

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"Three hundred years and not one of you tried to aid me." Those are the first words that I hear as my eyes slowly open. "Not one of you tried to free me. Do you know how disappointed I am?"

I rub my head first and I gaze across the big chair I'm sitting on to see Saffron sitting straight in the throne chair. In this light, I can see her clearly. Her disguise is that of a teenager, a human that looks so young that the chair doesn't suit her. She is wearing some strange kind of clothing, a dress made of old material with sewn beads and pendants. It looks like one of the museum dresses from Cain's office.

On her other side, Thea stands. She doesn't look like she's there out of force either, she seems to be enjoying being at Saffron's side. She probably knew it was Saffron all along. The throne room is full of the world leaders, the council are the closest. Axel meets my eyes as I look down. I look around the room for Blake and I see him against the far wall. I let my breath out when I see him, relieved that he's alive.

"I am still adjusting to these new languages and naming of our kind," Saffron says. She stares right at Axel. "But I'd recognize you anywhere Sama. Always got to be at the front."

"My name is Axel here," he says.

"Right," Saffron mumbles. "The bizarre tradition that we take on the lifeforms' names. I would like to make a few things clear to all of you. First, I am your leader now. I am your Queen."

"Where is the King?" Axel says. "What have you done with him?"

"Second," Saffron hisses. "I would like to rewrite some of these laws. The breeding centres and nanneries will remain as they are but there will be no further restrictions on bidding or the wellbeing of owned humans. I want every watcher around the world to report directly to me on how many pure souls are among the children. The pure can be sold immediately without an age restriction."

I stare at her in disbelief, my fingers angrily digging into the chair. I look at Blake, he shakes his head at me. Where are all the guards? There were thousands of them! They can't all be loyal to her so why aren't they intervening? Why is Blake just standing there?

"And lastly," Saffron says. "I'm sure you are all wondering about what is going to happen to the completed soul sitting next to me."

The bodies of the leaders straighten, their faces becoming excited at the prospect of having a chance to bid for me.

"My energy is too close to the King's," Saffron mumbles. "And the girl somehow repels me. I have been trying for hours and I cannot taste her so I will be open to reasonable offers by the end of the week if nothing changes."

"But her soul is split," someone yells. "The King has already tasted her."

"I can assure you that even while split she is still the most powerful soul I have ever touched. Plus, with completed souls, there is a chance that if you consume her then the pieces inside the King will leave him and join with you. If I cannot taste her then I have no use for her, I cannot keep her on suicide watch indefinitely."

"What is a reasonable offer?" Axel says.

Saffron rubs her chin as she thinks it over. "All of your completed and all of your pure."

Axel laughs. "I hope you are going to allow us to touch her first."

"Of course." Saffron gestures her hand to me. "Go ahead."

Axel's red eyes light up as he becomes the first to walk up the steps. He's been wanting to touch me for a long time. I keep my eyes on him as he stops in front of the chair. I hold my breath as I lift my hand up, he grips my wrist and almost drags me out of the seat. His eyes turn blood orange, he holds on to me for so long that Saffron clears her throat.

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