4. 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫

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Third person's POV

They followed gavin to an old construction site with Pope holding a video camera recording every single thing. "Where'd you dig up that relic" JJ said to pope. "Why don't you just use your phone." Kayla asked climbing the fence to get a better look.

"Well, first of all. I like my antique electronics" he said looking at both Kayla and JJ. "Second of all this is a telephoto, I can get a close image from far away" he said positioning it to catch ward in action.

And as suspected, ward ended up giving them everything they needed. "Shit, woah woah woah" pope said. "What's going on" kie asked confused. "They're fighting over something." Pope answered. It started to rain blocking their view of everything making it slightly blurry.

"Why are they fighting?" JJ asked as ward pulled out the gun and kie called it. "I bet that's the murder weapon." He said when gavin fell down crying. "Stop crying, stop crying" ward kept trying to get gavin to shut up. Ward got up and was leaving when gavin yelled.

"Rafe killed a cop, I'm not going to jail for you or your psychopath son" the words had an effect on Ward. Maybe no one else realized but Kayla tensed up hearing those words. Her Rafe killed a cop.

He was better than that she always thought, it was never his fault though no one seemed to see it. He needed someone to help him, he needed his father or his family and sometimes Kayla blamed herself. If she never left Rafe maybe he would still be the good guy.

Ward's thought process was different to Kayla's maybe he didn't think at all and all at once bam! Gavin was gone. Pope and Kie gasped. "Oh my God, Oh my God" Pope said yet holding the telephoto getting it all on tape.

"What the hell?" JJ said. "Guys we've got it all I think we should leave now" Kayla said getting down and waiting for them to come down too. "Tell me you got all that" JJ asked pope as he replied. "Enough to put this guy away for life"

Ward screamed realizing the mess he had to clean. The gun falling out of his hands down and flowing with the rain water to the nearest sewer. "Guys let's go" Kayla said not wanting to stay there any longer, they just witnessed a murder. They had what they needed. "Yeah we should go" JJ added. Kie stood up making her very visible for ward to see "kie what are you doing" Kayla said trying to move back up to get her down. "Murderer!" Kie yelled.

"Get down" JJ pulled her down and covered her mouth so she couldn't say a word. "Kiara are you crazy?" Pope said afraid at this point. "I don't care if he hears me he is a murderer" she said.

"Yeah well if he hears us he will murder so please shut the fuck up and don't get us killed." Kayla was always the one who controlled her temper but she got tired of it cause then no one listened to her.

They saw Ward drop the gun in the sewer and that was enough for them so before they could get caught they started to leave. On the way down Kie stepped on JJ's hand and JJ hit Pope's head and down fell the tape.

"Are you kidding me?" Kayla said pulling it back up. "You fumbled it!?" JJ asked. "You kicked me in the face" Pope yelled back, "she stepped on me" JJ pointed at kiara. "Let's just go" kayla said annoyed and they ran to the vehicle and got in.

Kiara soon dialling the cops, "pick up, pick up" she said tapping her leg anxiously. "Who are you calling" "who do you think"

And with that even knowing it was ward they were up against kiara called them because if they didn't, maybe just maybe they could've got in more trouble.

45 minutes go by and yet we were trying to explain to shoupe what we saw, Ward shot Gavin but Gavin's body wasn't even there by the time we reached back. "So ward cameron just popped one off and shot him? Execution style? And then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes. " He asked trying to get it straight as the four of them were so in a rush of getting him to believe what they had seen. "Yeah we filmed the entire thing" but technically there was no point saying that since it was all gone.

And once again like before it was called out as an false alarm and the cops left with the pogues trying to convince shoupe to believe them. "We're not making this up!" Pope yelled tired of being treated like they were. "He called him here to try pay him off but it wasn't enough so they shot him" JJ said all at once, again trying to get shoupe to believe them but just end up repeating the same thing again and again.

"Why would we lie to you" kie asked nearly crying in anger of not being heard. "Shoupe can you just believe us for once" Kayla asked following him down the staircase as he dismissed all of the cops.

"I know you think your friend was innocent" shoupe started. "He is" Kayla added but shoupe ignored. "But you weren't there and the only witnessed above ground say the exact opposite" he said leaving

"I told you this would happen" Pope walked back towards the car. "Like you're the one that had to drop the camera" JJ said to Pope and Kiara came stinging. "It was your fault" she said to JJ "oh this was my fault?" JJ asked and Kiara kept blaming him. "Why do you always take his side" JJ said, annoyed that Kiara was now being biased. "Actually kie I doubt this would've happened if you didn't yell out loud" Kayla said letting her anger take control of her.

But Pope stopped them from screaming at eachother and gave 'em an out, "we can still go get the gun" and that was exactly what they were going to do.

Meanwhile, in the cameron house Ward with Gavin's body went to Rafe asking for help. "Whose body is that?" Rafe panicked. "Gavin" "Gavin?" Rafe asked with his hands on his head. "Why'd you-- what did he do?-" Rafe continued to hyoerventilate. "He was trying to blackmail us son" Ward said. This is exactly what Kayla hated, Rafe can be helped can be made better but here his father was justifying every bad thing he did and helping him to do more. That isn't going to save him from anything but only make it worse.


Kayla had a shift at the wreck while the rest fo the pogues went to retrieve the gun. As usual cleaning the tables , getting orders. And maybe it was déjà vu but infront of her stood the boy she knew all too well.

"Heyy...kay" he smiled. "I miss you"


I know it's a tad bit boring right now but trust me guys it will get better, maybe some people breakup, maybe old lovers reunite, Maybe someone dies...I'm not going to give away too much. But once again if you have anything to suggest lemme know.

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