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Adriel reclined on the sofa, his arms wrapped protectively around his sick sister, who lay nestled on his chest, her breathing soft and steady as she drifted into a peaceful slumber

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Adriel reclined on the sofa, his arms wrapped protectively around his sick sister, who lay nestled on his chest, her breathing soft and steady as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

She had thrown up again and was pretty much exhausted.

Adriel's heart swelled with tenderness as he watched over her, his fingers gently stroking her hair in a soothing gesture and placed a kiss on her hand that was tightened on his shirt

The doorbell rang and Adriel carefully placed Luella on the sofa before opening the door to reveal Anastasia "Hey" she smiled

"Hi" Adriel opened the door wider allowing her to come in.

Ana walked in and noticed the fragile girl on the sofa. She faced Adriel "What's wrong with her?" she asked before kneeling beside Luella placing a hand under her shirt to feel how warm her chest was "She's burning up"

Adriel walked up to his sister and carefully shook her "Luella"

Luella groaned and turned around

Anastasia took a try "Luella wake up for me" she said as she stroked her hair

"No" Luella moaned

"Luella baby, get up. I need to put you in the bath" Adriel spoke up

Luella opened her eyes and rubbed them with her fisted hands "My belly still hurts" she mumbled

Anastasia got up and made her way to the bathroom. As she reached the familiar sanctuary of the tiled room, she turned the faucets, allowing the warm water to flow and fill the bathtub with soothing steam. She carefully adjusted the temperature, ensuring it was just right for Ella's sick state.

Adriel walked in with Luella in his arms. Luella was already in her underwear as Adriel had made sure she wasn't kept warm.

"Place her in," Anastasia said turning the tap off

"No" Luella mumbled into Adriel's shoulder refusing to get into the bath

Adriel ignored her and placed her into the tub

Luella's eyes were now red and her skin was super pale

"Luella where hurts?" Anastasia asked rubbing Ella's back up and down

"Belly" Luella mumbled

Anastasia looked up at Adriel "Have you given her medicine?" Adriel nodded "I had her eat then I gave it"

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