Chapter 4

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After two weeks of unsuccessfully digging for both a job and information Della was frustrated and dejected. All she had was that in two months Prince Aedion and the Lady Lysandra would be getting married in the palace. But literally everyone knew that, so arguably she had no information about how to contact her father at all.

Della knew it was her own fault that she had accomplished nothing, she wasn't being assertive enough and allowed people to walk all over her; but she had a plan. Della was going to figure out who the florist was that would supply the royal wedding and get a job. Surely they'd need her; a Fae female with over 200 years of experience, and they were likely slammed busy trying to prepare.

Donning her pale blue dress and boots she set out for one of the more popular taverns among the palace guards and staff. Della knew that the blue dress made her appear more friendly and approachable, apparently the scowl she inherited from her father was a little bit too familiar and so the staff tended to stay away.

So, putting on her best 'please talk to me I am friendly' face she entered the semi-empty bar. Since it was the middle of the afternoon there weren't many patrons from the palace, which suited Della just fine since she disliked crowds. She took a seat towards the center of the room where she would be able to listen to several tables and hopefully even catch the eye of a overly friendly guard or servant.

Ordering the cheapest ale Della glanced around the room. Already she had caught the attention of an older guard but she quickly adjusted her body to face away from him. He would likely be tight lipped and Della didn't have the confidence to try and seduce him nor the aggression needed to threaten him. Looking back around she spotted a young servant still in his castle uniform. He seemed young and looked just as nervous as she felt. Perhaps he would approach her, Della certainly did not have the nerve to approach him.

The scrape of a chair cut through Della's thoughts. Looking over her shoulder the gray haired guard had stood up and was now approaching her with a smirk on his face and a swagger in his step.

Shit! Shit, shit, shit.

Della panicked. If he sat with her the young servant would definitely not approach her.

With out thinking Della also stood and took hurried steps towards the young man on the other side of the room.

His eyes widened at her approach, not believing that the fae female had an interest in him.

Flashing him her white teeth and elongated canines Della offered up a soft "Hiya."

Shaking his head as if to remind himself to speak he stuttered back "H-hello."

"I'm Della, what's your name?"

Ugh, Della bit the inside of her cheek in frustration. She had as much charm and grace as a dead branch.


Glancing over her shoulder Della confirmed that the guard had stopped his approach. He seemed irritated but had returned to his seat.  Relieved Della turned back to Benton.

"How are you doing today?"


She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Maybe the guard would have been the safer bet.

"Good!" She was trying to sound chipper. "Do you work in the palace? It's a bit late for a lunch break?"

Benton nodded before adding "We have to stagger our lunches so not everyone leaves at once."

"I see you must be very busy with the wedding that is fast approaching"

"Oh you wouldn't believe it." Benton then launched into a long winded explanation of all his work. It seemed he was eager to complain about the wedding and the extra duties it caused him.

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