Junpei x Reader: Defenseless 🌸/⛓

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"Yeah and then he gave him an uppercut! It was so cool!", your boyfriend Junpei was walking home from school with you. You'd been friends since you were both young, getting to know one another after you bonded over a movie. He was a bit more on the shy and quiet side and a lot of people abused that and you hated it, so you always stood by him and defended him. "Shit, now I definitely have to go see that.", you said laughing. He smiled at you as his cheeks turned red. He loved bringing a smile to your face, it made him happy knowing he could make you smile and he thought that very same smile was beautiful.

"Hey, let's stop for ice cream!", you said as you interlock his hand in yours, skipping across the street with him speed walking next to you. He smiled, "Yeah! Okay, I could go for ice cream.", he said.

You walked hand in hand to the parlor, passing a group of high schoolers in front of it. You opened the door for Junpei, hearing them whistle towards you and say things you tuned out. You closed the door behind you and sat at a booth with Junpei. He looked conflicted, "Talk to me, Jun.", you said as you looked at the flavors. "Those guys... they were being rude...", he said in disgust. You sighed and smiled at him, you didn't want him to worry about idiots like them. "Don't stress it, I'm used to it.", you said. "You shouldn't be-", he said before being cut off by a waiter coming.

"Hey, welcome to Danny's. I'm Itadori, what can I get for you two today?", he said with a smile on his face. "I'd like an Oreo milkshake,", you said with a smile. "And for you?", he said turning to Junpei. He closes the menu and looks down, "Uh... a vanilla cone please.", he said. "Alrighty, I'll be back with your desserts!", the boy said as he walked away. You turned to Junpei and held his hand, "You know, I've been thinking, and I feel like you and I should take a trip this weekend.". He looked at you with a confused yet happy smile, "But... how?", he said as he squeezed your hand in excitement. You grinned, your smile reaching your ears, "I'm taking my dads car.". He let out a small gasp, "He's gonna kill you, Y/n!".

You shrugged, maintaining your grin, "I don't care, he's never home anyways so he won't even realize.". He frowned, no matter what you said you knew he would worry regardless. "I don't know...", he said. You rolled your eyes and gave his hand a small squeeze, "It'll be fine, besides, we'll be together a whole weekend, who knows all the things we could do to- I mean... with each other.", you teased him. He blushed and looked away, "don't say things like that!", he whisper-yelled. You chuckled and the waiter returned with your desserts. "Thank you!", you said to the boy.

You and Junpei ate your ice creams and talked for a little while longer before deciding to head back to your house to watch a movie together. You opened the door and saw the same three boys outside as before, rolling your eyes you ignored their catcalls and held your boyfriend's hand. That was until you felt yourself be yanked back, "HEY! I'm talking to you-". "Let go of me, asshole!", you said as you struggled to free yourself. Junpei watched the two of you argue, his heart pounding before the other two began to touch you. "H-hey!", he managed to yell. They turned to him as he yanked their hands off of you, "S-she said to let her go!", he said as he held your hand.

"Aww how cute? Your little boyfriend is just the cutest.", the one who grabbed you first said. "I wonder how he'll look when he's beat to a fucking pulp.", the other boy said as he yanked Junpei by his collar. You were then enraged. Two things you hate: being touched and anyone messing with Junpei. You slapped the guy, "LET GO!", you yelled before being restraint by the other two boys. He threw Junpei to the ground and began hitting him and you yelled, looking around for something to hit him with. You struggled but Junpei began fighting back, causing the main guy to call over one of the boys and they started kicking him.

You took the opportunity to crash the back of your head in the boy who was holding you's face and he let go of you, groaning. You quickly ran deeper into the alley you were near and grabbed a pipe and hit the boy in the back of the head, causing him to fall. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, OR I SWEAR TO GOD-", you yelled at the other two as they cursed under their breath, seeing their friend on the floor in pain. Luckily he wasn't bleeding so you won't get in trouble but it was enough to for those boys to know that you were serious.

"SHO!", the main guy ran over to his friend and picked him up, looking up at you as if you were some disgusting mad man. "You're such a crazy bitch!", he said before the other boy helped him pick up their friend. "I told you to leave us alone, you prick.", you replied as you panted. He flicked you off before hurrying away with his two friends. You watched them go before dropping the pipe and running over to Junpei.

"Jun... are you okay?", you ask him as you give him your hand and help him up. He was bleeding from his mouth, with a cut on his cheek, and had a black eye forming. "I'm sorry you had to save me again, Y/n.", he said as he brushed his arm by his mouth.

You frowned, you hate seeing him like this, and although he does stand up for himself, he always gets hurt regardless. "Junpei, don't say things like that, I care about you and when I care about someone, I'm always going to help them.", you said as you cupped his cheek. You gave him a sad smile, "Now come on, I'll patch you up.", you said. He smiled at you before you took his hand and walked with him to your house since it was right around the corner.


You were in the bathroom with Junpei as he sat on the toilet. "This is gonna sting.", you said before applying the alcohol to his wound, causing him to wince in pain and grip your hand tighter. "That hurts...", he groaned before releasing your hand. You frowned, "I'm sorry...", you said. He looked at you, examining your expression. He knew you were upset, you always were when these things would happen, and he hated the purely sad look on your face. Though it was true that it upset you, you would do it again and again any time he was in trouble. You looked up at him, before sighing.

He watched you put away the things you were using and chose to speak up, knowing he wouldn't be able to say anything while looking you in the face.

"Y/n... I'm sorry I upset you.", he said in just barely over a whisper. You turned to him frowning, "you don't upset me Junpei, those assholes do. I hate them...", you said as you placed a hand on his head. "You will never upset me Jun.". His eyes started watering, "Well... I want you to s-stop.", he said. You looked at him and with confusion written on your face, "What do you mean?". "S-stop helping me! You...", he looked down as his voice cracked. "I hate how you look at me... with such s-sadness... it... it hurts.".

You looked at him, feeling your eyes water at the sight of the boy you cared for so much trying so hard not to cry in front of you. "Junpei...". He shook is head, fighting back his tears, "N-no... all I do... is bring you sadness, and I hate it. I- I just want you to be h-happy, and y-you're not when you're with me.". His voice was shaking, as silent tears fell down his face. You felt tears of your own leave yours, wiping them away. "Junpei do-". "I think... we should s-stop g-going out... I'm- I-I'm a burden to you.", he cried, dropping his head as his body trembled, letting out a silent cry.

You embraced him as he subconsciously wrapped his arms around your waist, "Junpei, stop talking like that. You'll never be a burden to me, EVER. And you don't bring me sadness, you do the opposite. You make me so fucking happy, I love seeing you and I love spending time with you doing just anything and still having a good time. Junpei I love loving you, and I love having you love me too. So no, I won't let you dump me, Jun.", you said as you made him look up at you. His face was stained with tears and he looked up at you as if you were the light of his world... because you were.

"Y-you... love me? Do you... mean it...?", he asked as he sniffled back tears, causing a smile to form as your eyes watered from pure love for this boy. "Yes Junpei... I love you.", you said nodding your head. He let down a tear before a smile grew on his face, "I love you too Y-Y/n.", he said. You wiped his tears before leaning down and placing a kiss on his lips, which he returned. You both cherished each other in that kiss and Junpei knew that you loved him. Through everything, you loved him and that made everything worth it for him. To live... to be loved by you.

You pulled away and smiled down at him, "let's go watch a movie okay?". He sniffled and stood up, nodding his head yes.

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