Chapter Sixty-three: A secret revealed

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Note: Things get a little steamy but don't worry it's PG13.



I look over at Alaric, seeing his face solemn and serious as his eyes searched mine. I swallowed at the sudden dryness from my mouth while our eyes maintained contact. 

I had never seen him so serious. 

"There is something that I haven't told the others." Alaric helps me lay back on the bed and pulls the blanket up to my neck before siting down next to the bed. He starts going into detail about when I had released my power and what he had seen.

It felt like the pit of my stomach dropped as he accurately described my other self down to the clothes that I was wearing the day I died. I was speechless; I had no idea what I could say at all and I didn't want to lie to him.

"Who was that?" He finally asks, taking in my expression as I twisted my hands beneath the blanket.

"Me." My voice was barely a whisper as I fought the urge to cry. Seeing that I wasn't being stopped from speaking about my past life, I slowly started telling him about it and how I died to when I woke up here in this world.

You could hear a pin drop, it was so silent in the room as I waited for a reaction. I barely even registered that I was shaking as I looked at Alaric's face- hidden in shadow. 

"Tia." He brushes his hand against my face as I reached out from under the blanket and held it.  "Was this what you were so distant for?"

I didn't trust myself to speak so I nodded, my knuckles turning white from how hard I clenched onto his hand. 

"To be honest:" Alaric says with a sigh, placing his other hand on top of mine. "Its a little hard to believe...  But I know one thing."

My heart was pounding so hard in my ears that when he spoke again, I was unable to hear him. Alaric pauses for a moment as he read my expression and realizing that I hadn't heard him; he leaned forward to my ear, his breath tickling me and says.

"I love you no matter what form you take. Whether it is this one or your past one."

My heart clenches as tears of surprise and joy sprang from my eyes and I circle my arms around his neck, burying my face into his neck. Alaric slides into the bed while I refused to move, over half of my body on top of him as he stroked my back gently; murmuring words of love into my ears as I started crying harder.

"Tia." He finally says as I start hiccupping between breaths. "Will you let me see your face?"

I shook my head no; I knew from experience that I was a ugly crier and had no doubt that my face and nose was a ruddy red while being covered in snot. 

"Tia." He says a little more firmly causing me to grudgingly lift up my head to look at him. 

I blushed at his hard stare, avoiding his eyes and started to attempt to slide off his chest; only to be stopped by his hands around my waist. 

"Don't stare at me like that." I grumbled wishing that I had a tissue then remembering that I am a witch and quickly used a cleaning spell over my face which only dealt with the snot and nothing else. 

I could feel the vibration of Alaric's laughter as he couldn't help but laugh at my reaction, his eyes sparkling a little in the dim lighting. 

"I can't help it." Alaric smirks as he starts playing with my hair. "You draw my attention to you no matter what you do. I don't want to miss anything."

I could feel my face getting warmer at his words and accidentally moved my hand pass his shirt; touching his bare skin. His chest warms my hand as memories from a year ago suddenly flood in; from when I had seen him entirely.

"You can't be the only one who gets to touch..." Alaric's voice tickled my senses as his hands start to move up to my shoulders and slowly drove me insane as his fingertips lightly brushed against my clothes before meeting the skin on my arms.  

He captures both of my hands and lifts them to his face before kissing my wrists, causing me to fall onto his chest and look up at him.

Alaric lightly nips the palm of my hand, glancing over at me with a sultry look as I swallowed hard. 

"A-alaric.." I stammer as he started kissing down my arms, pulling me up his chest and being face to face with him. "You..." 


My breath hitches in my throat as I stared down at him and I bite my lip as the rest of my body ended up being completely on top of him. 

"That's cheating." I finally say as he looked up at me with a heated gaze. I could see how much he was desiring me and it made me feel incredibly sexy and beautiful. 

"Of course it is." He smiles my favorite smile before sighing and carefully sliding me off his chest. "But, you need to rest."

"I don't mind." I found myself pouting a little. 

"We have plenty of time for that later." He chuckles at my expression, brushing my hair away from my face. "Don't give me that look." Alaric warns, starting to frown a little. "You need to recover first."

He slides out of the bed, running a hand though his dark hair and started walking over to a couch. He stops as roses with sharp thorns suddenly spring up between the cushions and turns towards me with a raised eyebrow. 

"You can't just do that and sleep somewhere else." I smirked a little as my hand flopped down onto the bed. I really didn't have any strength right now, but I was feeling confident and powerful.

I also knew that I might be way too embarrassed the next time and I wanted to show Alaric that he was the only one who could make me feel this way.

"Tia. Don't tempt me." He growls darkly, a little of his aura seeping out.

"Too late." I crooked my finger, using magic to move him over to the bed.

Alaric looks down at me, before removing his shirt and crawled onto the mattress, looking like a predator eyeing his prey.

"Don't you regret it later." He pins me to the bed before leaning down to kiss me.

Hey guys!!!!! Guess what!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 'How the Emperor trapped a Witch' has almost reached 105k views!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man I was surprised when I looked a little early today! 

Thank you all so much for loving my novel!! I've been having so much fun writing it! As a special thank you- the next release will be two chapters. 

However, one will be only 18 years and older readers with a nice and sexy continuation of this scene since a few people had told me that they would like another extra like chapter 10 extra.

I know that I haven't been doing my daily posting like I usually do, but I still have been continuing to write as much as possible!

Again, Thank you all so much!! Virtual hugs to everyone!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳

Again, Thank you all so much!! Virtual hugs to everyone!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳

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