Chapter 14 - Be My Escape

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After that night, something shifted between me and Hunter. I'm not sure what it is, but it's like we're both learning how to let our guards down around each other. There's an openness between us now that wasn't there before, and I have to admit, I kind of like it.

In the past, being seen or being vulnerable, was always a bad thing. Whenever I let someone in, whenever I trusted anyone enough to be honest with them, they always found a way to make me regret it.

In fact, I was sure that no good could come from it, but Hunter makes me question that. He makes me wonder if maybe that kind of vulnerability could be a good thing.

And I kind of feel like he might think the same thing about me.

These days, we rarely, if ever, leave each other's sides, we talk all the time when we're together, and we're texting almost every time we we're apart. I'm approaching our friendship differently now. Instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop, I've decided that I'm just going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts.

All the flirting has stopped for the most part, at least the obvious kind has. Now, there are only the little moments. Every interaction is like that one in the hallway, small but genuine.


When he looks at me with those eyes of his and smiles, I finally understand the meaning of the word "heartwarming." His steady gaze when he talks to me, it makes me feel like I'm the only person in the room. It makes me feel seen, exposed almost, and every day, I hide from him a little bit less.

It's different from any friendship I've had before, and I'm starting to feel safe with him. He's like the dependable kind of friend that I've craved for so long. After all this time, it's weird having someone there for me, someone who seems to understand me.

I swear this boy has figured out more about me in the last month or so than Sean did in almost a year.

Speaking of Sean, ever since that party, something's also changed between the two of us. He isn't content with going around acting like we never happened and pretending like I don't exist anymore. Oh no. Not at all. Actually, now, every time Hunter leaves me alone for a few minutes, he's taken to coming around and trying to get in my head.

I know he knows I saw him with Jessica at the party a couple weeks ago, and judging by how our conversations have gone lately, I know he saw me with Hunter. But after what he said that night, I'm no longer concerned with feigning kindness towards him, and trust me, he's noticed.

"Sean, what do you want now? This is getting old." I slam my locker door shut and start walking down the hallway towards where I'm supposed to meet Hunter.

Of course, Sean follows me. You know, I never really saw him this much when we were actually going out. Figures.

"Nothing," he says, quickening his pace to walk beside me. "I was just wondering, why are you hanging around with that Hunter guy so much?" he asks. "What? Trying to make me jealous?"

I have to hold back a laugh at that one. "Not even close," I reply. "We're just friends, and don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Oh, I know you're just friends," Sean continues, ignoring my response. "The real question is, do you know that?"

I stop walking and whip around to glare at him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

When my eyes finally meet his, he has this cocky grin on his face, like he just won a game I didn't even know we were playing.

"You might have everyone else fooled, and maybe even yourself, but not me, Mia. I saw the way you were looking at him at that party. I know that look because you used to look at me that way," he says, and he actually has the nerve to look sullen.

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