Chapter 64

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"This doesn't look like living quietly, Miss Ivanov

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"This doesn't look like living quietly, Miss Ivanov."

She had heard that voice before.

That voice had ruined everything. That voice took Bucky from her, destroyed the peace they had found in Amsterdam. She strongly suspected that voice had been responsible for reawakening the Winter Soldier. Responsible for pinning a terrorist attack on the man she loved, forcing him to kill and rampage...

Weakly, she turned her head to gaze up the corridor at the source of the voice.

She was right. The man from Amsterdam stood there, not quite as relaxed as he had been when he had first stepped into the bike shop to tear her life apart, but he looked more composed than she did. He certainly didn't have a knife protruding from his thigh nor the blood of an assassin splattered across his face.

Typical, this base lay abandoned for twenty-four years and the day she walks back in she meets with every living dickhead that's had a hand in ruining her life.

A pistol hung from his hand as he stared at her, beaten and broken and crumpled against the wall, her torn and bloodied clothes a stark contrast to his warm winter coat. He didn't look like he had been in a fight, but surely the boys would have found him before now...

"Where are they?" She choked out her demand, grimacing at how weak and wavering her voice was.

"Occupying themselves, I can assure you." He smirked down at her, his hand tightening minutely around the gun in his grip.

"The other soldiers?" She guessed, bracing her hand against the ground to try and force herself into an upright position, trying to rally her strength at the thought of another fight.

"No, no Miss Ivanov - I eliminated those myself." He chuckled coolly, seemingly revelling in the way her eyes widened in confusion, "I must thank you for taking care of our escapee." He nodded to the corpse laying face-down, inches from her sprawled legs. "A simple misaim did more damage than I anticipated." He tapped his temple in the exact spot Josef had borne his ugly wound. "The safety features on your chambers are commendable, even the slightest amount of injury to the system triggered a release."

"Well, I'm very good at my job." She hissed out as her leg throbbed in protest to her slight movement, gritting her teeth against the pain. "What... What was this all for then?" She grunted, narrowing her eyes as his trigger finger twitched. He hadn't been shy about expressing his distain for enhanced individuals before, and he'd already killed four today. Self-preservation demanded that she keep him talking as she tried to recover. "Turning up in Amsterdam, killing Karpov, triggering Bucky, dragging us out here... What was the end game?"

"Certain truths needed to come to light." He uttered grimly, a shadow passing over his features as he tilted his head in the direction he had come from. Only then Kat's ears began to pick up the sound of distant crashing and repulsor blasts. "The bombing, Colonel Karpov, Sergeant Barnes... They were all necessary casualties. The Avengers took everything from me, I am simply returning the favour."

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