Chapter 15

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Milo's POV:

I sighed again as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, reaching to fix another strand of hair that kept falling in front of my face. I knew I shouldn't be stressing this much, since Liam had promised it would only be a simple picnic, but I couldn't help it.

What if something goes wrong, what if there's rogues or vampires, what if there's an attack while we're gone- what if everyone dies because he wasn't there?

What if he doesn't like me anymore after this?

I knew I shouldn't be thinking like that, since the bond didn't really work like that, but then again. Stressing out was something I did unconsciously.

Goddess, it was driving me crazy.

Still, I couldn't help wondering... what if?

A sudden knock at the door shook me out of my thoughts and I turned around, confused, fixating my gaze on the clock in the living room. It was still half an hour too early to be Liam, unless he spontaneously decided to show up a half hour early, but just in case, I fixed my hair again before heading to the door.

"Milo," Adriel sighed from the other side of the door as he caught my expression. "I swear, stop beating yourself up over something that hasn't even happened yet. You don't need to be so worried. Liam won't put you in danger."

That's not really what I'm worried about, I wanted to say, but a strangled noise was all that came out of my throat. It sounded like a sob yet also a plea. Adriel sighed, walking in to take me into his arms in a comforting hug.

"Hi, I'm here too," Moon said, walking in behind her son and closing the door. "Thought I'd come along."

"She insisted," Adriel muttered to me, causing light laughter to erupt from my mouth.

"I couldn't let my other, other, other, other... other other other... well, I couldn't let you go off on your first date without any teasing," she grinned, causing me to frown.

"I really don't think he needs any teasing, Mom," Adriel told her sternly. I almost didn't expect her to listen, but she just sighed and leaned back on the couch she'd plopped on.

"Why are humans so damn emotional," she mumbled under her breath with lightly closed eyes. I flinched at the swearing; I would have liked her to not while in my house, but she was also the literal Goddess so I kept my mouth closed.

Adriel sighed, turning me to look into his eyes. "You'll be fine," he told me. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Liam won't let anything happen, and he won't reject you. Right?" He looked to his mother for assurance.

Moon opened her silver eyes, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Well, I can't tell you the future, but I'll say that he's not planning to."

If anything, that made me feel worse.

Adriel wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. "You'll be fine," he assured me again. "In my experience, the main trouble with first dates is that they're so goddessdamn awkward."

"Language," I interrupted under my breath, but was ignored.

"You're supposed to get to know the person or whatever, but how? It's not like you're playing fucking twenty one questions."

"Language," I said louder.

"I mean, twenty one questions is a great game, but it does tend to ruin family game night," Moon shrugged. "I've had too many fistfights that started with that game."

"You are really not helping," Adriel sighed under his breath. Moon frowned and looked saddened, but a mask quickly overcame her expression and she turned to looking around my house.

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