Chapter Seventy-Six: Rewards (Part II)

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Petro blushed. "I would like - I would like Flora Tsuga to marry me. If she'll have me."

The Emperor nodded, smiling,then turned to Tsuga. She looked desperately to Petro.

"What, you want me to marry you?" She asked, shocked.

"Well, sure. You remember our deal, right?Well, my deal, anyhow. I don't recall you saying much one way or the other. But you said you don't hate me. And you - you still want a home of your own and - " his blush deepened, "a bunch of babies, don't you?"

"I - " Tsuga felt her face growing ever hotter, and didn't know what to say, or how to express herself, "I - "

"So you'll marry me?" Petro asked, his face hopeful.

Tsuga's flustered expression dissolved into a smile. "I will," she nodded.

Petro's reaction was ecstatic and immediate. He ran to her, throwing his arms around her. She was light enough, with her lanky build, that he could pick her up and spin her around while planting kisses on her cheeks. This scandalous exhibition of personal affection drew a stern look from the Emperor, who cleared his throat noisily, drawing their attention back to the solemnity of the occasion.

Petro set Tsuga down with a thump and genuflected again, looking sheepish. Tsuga bowed politely saying, "We apologize, your majesty. And I - I think I know what I would like my reward to be."

Flora Althaea raised a curious eyebrow, as the Emperor said, "Proceed, Flora Tsuga."

"Now and then, Petro has spoken owning an inn or tavern, in his retirement. if your majesty would be so kind, I would like very much if he - well, he and I, I suppose - if we could have enough money to buy a little inn."

Flora Althaea quietly caught the Emperor's eye, saying, "If it were an inn in the capital, your majesty, I could still have Flora Tsuga work for us."

Petro frowned, and Tsuga looked nervously over at Althaea.

Althaea laughed musically, bouncing Aurelia, who giggled.

"No, no, Flora Tsuga,” Althea began, “You mistake me. I do not intend to send you to do dangerous work in the countryside. I was hoping perhaps that you could assist in teaching the young maidens who come to study here, whether as Florae or as regular keepers of the Shrine and the Temple. We could use another instructor."

Tsuga blushed and looked to Petro, who quietly said to her, "Of course you want to do that. You're too smart to just waste everything they've taught you."

"Good," the Emperor said, with a curt nod of his head, then it is decided. We will give you a fine inn, and Tsuga will be your wife."

"Thank you, your majesty," Petro said, bowing his head.

"Yes, thank you," Tsuga repeated.

For a moment, the Emperor looked over at Marcus, but Marcus did not look up. In fact, he was staring determinedly at the ground. The emperor cleared this throat; Marcus did not react.

“We will perhaps deal with a reward for the second young soldier in a few days?” The Emperor suggested, with a sigh. He shook his head before his eyes fell upon the most wretched of all the travellers, the two young slaves.

“Slave Cinnamon, servant of Vitus,” he began.

Cinnamon did not look up. He simply answered, “Yes, Your Majesty?” in subdued tones.

“Your resourcefulness and cleverness have been noted, as well as your loyalty in assisting your young master. I would give you a reward, but also make of you a request. The State hereby purchases you and manumits you; your masters shall be paid your full value. In addition, you are to keep any pocket money or savings you have accumulated. The State will reimburse that to your masters, as well. And, you will receive a reward of 10 gold pieces.”

Cinnamon grinned, broadly, “Thank you, sire, thank you! I was saving up to – to buy my freedom – but now I can keep that money to get myself started as a free man.” Cinnamon pondered for a moment, then repeated to himself, his voice dreamy, “A free man.”

Vitus rolled his eyes, “I was intending to let you keep most of the money anyhow, you know.”

The Emperor cleared this throat, saying “I am not finished. I have a request to make of you, freedman Cinnamon.”

Cinnamon looked up nervously, but said, “Yes, sir?”

“We would ask you to assist your former master, Vitus, in his new position. I would like to see you remain in the position of his secretary and assistant for a period of no less than two years. If you do this, you will be given full citizenship in the Empire.”

Cinnamon blinked. Not just freedom, but citizenship? For doing something he would have done anyhow? “Absolutely, sir. It would be my honour.”

“Good,” The Emperor said, as Vitus wondered, out-loud, “Wait, does this mean I have to pay you a salary, now?”

Cinammon only smiled in response.

"Slave woman who is called Mulberry," the Emperor continued, his tone stern but not unkind.

Mulberry looked up in surprise. She had fully expected to be forgotten.

"Althaea leads me to believe that it was you who cared for my Victoria through your travels, and for that I wish to thank you. I also understand that you are from the same people as my daughter’s late mother."

Mulberry nodded, feeling confused. Yes, she was Estavaca, but so what?

"We wish to show our appreciation for your service to this country. Even though a slave, you worked hard and risked much to keep Princess Victoria safe. We also wish to do something in remembrance of our late wife. Thus, slave Mulberry, I grant you the following. You are hereby officially purchased from Marcus Marius son of Tiberius. We will ensure that he is properly reimbursed. Furthermore, now that we, the state, own the slave Mulberry, we hereso decree that she is to be granted her freedom. In recognition of her service to the Princess Victoria, Freedwoman Mulberry is also to be granted the rights and responsibilities of a full citizen of the empire. Moreoever, she is to be given 20 gold pieces, and is permitted to chose one ring, or necklace, or whatever other piece of jewellery she prefers, from the royal treasury."

Mulberry blinked twice, then prostrated herself, breathing, "Thank you, oh, thank you, sir."

Her heart was beating as fast as that of a small bird, each beat pounding out the words, free, I am free. I can go home, I can stay here, I can do what I wish because I am free. I am free! But then, she looked at Marcus. His frown, the unshed tears that crowded his eyes – they worked together to destroy Mulberry's joy immediately. After all, they were both giving up baby Aurelia, and Mulberry herself might be leaving, too. She supposed she didn't have to leave – she didn't really want to leave. She liked Marcus, after all. Liked him quite a bit, if she were honest. And home was far away. If only they could have kept the baby! Mulberry began to try to think of something, anything, that would keep Marcus, at least, near the child.

Before Mulberry had a chance to look up and properly thank the Emperor, he was gone. He and Flora Althaea disappeared through the tall door to the left hand side of the room, taking baby Aurelia with them.

"Bye-bye!" Aurelia had called out happily, as they went through the door. For a long while they could hear her happily babbling at the Emperor, calling him "Daddy" every few syllables. And then it was quiet, and the travellers were again alone.

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