Give Him Back

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The two countries woke up. Both in pain from where they slept. CSA was wide awake, staring at them.

Britain jumped at the sight of the American.

"Howdy, Great Britain."

"Confederacy. Why are you here?"

"I lives 'ere. It's mine and yours house to share."

Soviet looked at the two. This was either going turn out normal or very bad.

Britain stood up and stretched.
He peered down at the other Union then back at Confederacy.

"Soooo. When were y'all gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"About the fact you two homos gots together. No judgement on bein' the ones to like men. I mean, we're livin' in a world where all the Countries here are male. So we gots no choices!"

The two other countries started to shout at the southerner. Two different languages, Russian and Welsh.

CSA stared at them blankly.

"I don't understand your BS but okay. Y'all ain't together?"

They both shouted at the boy.

"Why was y'all sleepin' in a huggin?"

"I'm used to hugging my blanket back at home because I get cold..."

USSR explained with a trusty smile. The blue man looked at him, not knowing if it was true or not. CSA gasped at his mistake.

"Well I'll be. I'm so sorry! I thoughts you twos were lovin' last night but I'll be wrong!"

"VERY wrong..."

The small Union added. USSR stood up with them, finishing his stretching. They all looked at each other.

"Welp. Imma go get dressed. Leave Y'all alone."


Last night, Prussia had been looking everywhere for Soviet. He never found him though.

The Prussian had gotten very anxious and eventually ran over to his old house for Third. It was over midnight and the Countries inside were asleep. So when they woke to the sounds of large Bangs heard on the door, it was pretty damn terrifying.

Italy was scared the most, so Reich had gone to see what it was. So much for the Italian being way older than the German.

"Brother Prussia? Vhat are zu doingz here?"



Prussia was Panicking, this then sent Nazi to panic as well. Both brothers now fully wide awake.



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