▲ Pyromania ▲

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》Pyromania is a type of impulse control disorder that is characterized by being unable to resist starting fires.

Arson is a crime, but most arsonists don't have pyromania. Pyromania is a psychiatric disorder.

In order to be diagnosed with pyromania, the following symptoms must be present:

Setting a fire deliberately and on purpose on more than one occasion

Feeling tense or energetic before starting a fire
Being drawn to and obsessed with fire and everything about it

Feeling pleasure, relief, or gratification when setting fires, seeing fires, or being involved in the aftermath of fires

Setting fires can't be explained through another psychiatric disorder

》People who set fires for the following reasons typically do not have pyromania:

Monetary gain

Political beliefs

To hide a crime

To improve a living situation



Impaired judgment, such as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol

》In addition, individuals with pyromania experience tension and affective arousal before setting a fire. Other symptoms may include:

A fascination with fire, which may include interest, curiosity, and attraction to fire and fire-setting paraphernalia

Watching fires in the neighborhood, setting off false alarms, or gaining pleasure from institutions, equipment, and personnel with fire

Spending time at a local fire department, setting fires to be affiliated with the fire department, or becoming a firefighter

Experiencing pleasure, gratification, or relief when starting a fire, witnessing the effects, and participating in the aftermath

Pyromania is very rare. In one study of 90 people who committed arson more than once, only 3 met the criteria for pyromania.

It's not known exactly what causes pyromania. It's thought that it could be related to one or more of the following issues.

Other psychiatric disorders.

Brain chemicals.




Pyromania is very rare. It hasn't been as extensively studied as other conditions. Pyromania has been associated with the following:

Being male

Below normal intelligence

Having a mood disorder

Being mistreated as a child

Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Family stress

No clinical research has been done on medications to treat pyromania. Your doctor may prescribe medicines to help manage your pyromania. Cognitive behavior therapy is also used to treat pyromania.

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