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There was Julien Santel in my room. I looked at him with clear mistrust in my eyes. His were soft and kind.

"Can we talk?" He asked gently.

I nodded wordlessly. I had no idea what to expect from him yet.

"I like the Beatles as well" he said referring to the poster on the wall next to my bed.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked trying to make him get to the point and leave. Preferably without me.

"I have a big request, Lena"

"What is it?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Give us a chance"

"A chance?" I repeated tasting this word in my mouth. No, I don't think I will "When people collecting debts for Santels showed up mom would plead to give her a chance to pay back later. Always the answer was no. If she had any money in her wallet they would take it by force. If we had something valuable in the house they would take it as well. No amount of begging would change their mind. So why should I change my mind about you?"

"There's nothing that will undo it but we care for our family that's in fact the only thing we care about and now you are a part of it"

"The women you're trying to take me away from is the only family I have"

"She will still be in your life. It will be just different"

"Do you even hear yourself? Different? I want things to stay as they are" I started tearing up again.

Julien sighted.

"Gideon is moving too fast I told him but it's not in his nature to listen he's more giving orders kind of guy I'm sorry you will get used to it eventually. Listen, Lena, you want things I get it but fighting Gideon won't do anything he really has an upper hand" I tried to respond but he raised his hand to stop me. "But it doesn't mean you can't get the things you want from him in fact no one can get from him as much as you do"

"As much as I do?" I repeated after him

"You're his newfound little sister our father is... away at the moment so he feels responsible for you in every sense we're not disregarding what our family did to you in fact we're painfully aware of that. But one day you will see Gideon is ready to do everything for his family and now you're a part of it"


"Can I stay here today? Just for tonight please"

"I will talk to him," Julien said softly.

After several minutes Julien handed me the phone.

"Tomorrow you're coming back home with boys this is the first and last time I agree to an unscheduled meeting"

"Yes I understand"

"Goodnight Lena" his voice sounded almost soft?  No, I must have misheard that.

Julien left soon after.


Several hours later Albert appeared.

"Good morning!" He screamed cheerily as if it was a morning not the middle of the night.

Why did he have to come back drunk today? Why why why.

As I heard my mother awaken confronting him about his phone being turned off for almost the whole night. It didn't take lock when I heard a loud smack that made me jump on my two feet.

"Be quiet it's 3 am!" mother yelled frustrated with his partner behavior.

"I'm paying for this apartment I can be as loud as I want here" he said with an amount of venom hard to understand. "Did you just tell me to be quiet Cynthia? You? A a worthless, good-for-nothing bitch?"

"Stop it"'I could hear my mom pleading. She was now fully awake. She was standing in the living room which Albert just entered. "If you want me to move out I will I can't take this anymore"

This is the first time my mother said something like that. Before no matter what he did she would just stay with him.

I didn't want to know how it will end. I didn't predict his words will also hurt me.

"You gave up on your daughter and sold her for money you want to tell me what's right and what's wrong? You?"

"I didn't sell her"

"You can lie to yourself and get fuck out my way"

This is when I decided to get up. I was fed up with this he wants to fight? I will give him a fight.

"Don't speak to her like that"

"Oh, and who do we have here if it's not our rebellious teen. Why are you here and not with your filthy rich family? Get the fuck out of my house"

"It's my mother's house too" I defended my right to be here loudly.

"She doesn't even want you jeez get a hint girl. She took the money and now it's time to fuck off. Get out. Get out of our lives" he yelled louder and louder as if getting angrier at his own words but all this anger and fury were directed at me.

At the end of the day, I was pinned to the wall with his hand around my neck.

"You think you can show up here unannounced whenever you want? This is not a fucking hotel this is not your house anymore"

He punched me to my stomach and I lost my breath for a moment as well as my balance. I fell on the floor.

I couldn't breathe.

I could hear my mom screaming and trying to pull him away from me finally, she managed to do so. I was coughing like crazy, choking on my tears. I couldn't take a proper breath and I didn't know if it was the aftermath of being strangled or was I just experiencing a panic attack. Before mom could stop me I threw myself towards my bedroom when I locked myself up. No amount of knocking and my mom tried to get in for hours convinced me to open that fucking door.

I couldn't look at her right now.


The next morning it was Blake who picked me up from mother's house. I was wearing jeans and black turtleneck despite of hot weather. I just couldn't let anyone see the marks Albert left on my neck.

I was just about to leave, go to a library and find a nice book to read when he was pulling up at the other side of the road.

As I saw him exiting his car I could already tell he was angry.

"Blake, what do you want?"

I tried to get past him but he blocked my way out.

So what do you think about the plot?

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