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After the wedding ceremony, there was an official dinner. When everyone moved to the dining room, Eliana and Rafael stayed behind for a moment, to talk. 

"I don't know how it happened, I just went out and he was there. He was waiting for me " Eliana said quietly. 

"I will find out who let him into my house, you can be sure. Don't worry about it now, we have a long night ahead of us "Rafael brushed a lone strand of hair out of her face. "As I told you, I won't let him hurt you in any way, just stay near me this evening, I don't want you out of my sight. Understood?"

"Yes. Sorry to cause you so much trouble"

"Didn't you hear me saying "I do?"" Rafael brushed her cheek gently with his thumb "All the trouble you're causing me is welcomed" 

Eliana blushed. They were really having such a good moment now, but she had to ruin the mood. 

"He threatened Casey"

"Eliana, do you understand it was a provocation? He wanted to scare you, but most of all let me know that he hadn't said the last word yet "

"But what now? What if he hurts her?"

"Nothing. He won't He wanted to provoke me, and he succeeded. Leave the rest to me"

Eliana for the first time this evening could tell that Rafael was angry at her uncle. He was just hiding it well.


They were dancing for the whole night but she didn't feel tired at all, Eliana felt very energized, it's been a result of the amount of alcohol she drank. She needed it. 

"You have beautiful eyes, you know that?" Eliana said, almost as if in a dream, for the first time bravely looking into those cold, black eyes, Rafael was so interesting. Everything about him was so perfect.

"I know," he replied confidently and Eliana rolled her eyes.

"But there's zero humbleness in you" she complained

I felt his chest tremble slightly, was he laughing?

"Tell me, love, how can a person with beautiful eyes like mine be humble?" he said with amusement. 

"You're right, it's impossible" Eliana agreed easily.

After the party was over, they held hands, and something unexpected happened.

When they finally got to the top floor and it was time to part: he had to go to the right to get to his room and I had to go to the left. But her hand was still holding his hand. She didn't want to let go of him. Eliana looked at her treacherous limb with incomprehension and consternation. Come on, stupid hand, let go. It did not let go.

Instead, Eliana could feel how her grip tightens on his hand. He looked at her for a moment and then pulled her towards his room, without saying another word.


Eliana barely recalled her wedding night. All she knew was that she experienced the best night of her life. Rafael was a wonderful lover and that says a lot because they were both horribly, horribly drunk. 

Eliana was feeling guilty because she shouldn't be drinking so much, she shouldn't let him... she allowed herself to get lost in the moment. Unacceptable.

When she went downstairs she moved towards the dining room, her mood brightened as she heard Remi's cheerful voice and Casey's sincere laugh.

Her sister and Rafael's brothers were getting along better now. They were still fighting from time to time but after the conversation, something definitely changed.

"So where are we going on our honeymoon?" Remi asked half-jokingly, half-seriously after they gathered for breakfast.

"You had a wedding that I don't know anything about?" Rafael asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I can't have a wedding without telling you first?" Remi acted surprised. 

"You can just never set your foot at this house ever again if you do but technically, yes"

It was yes - if you're ok with consequences. Eliana would call this Rafael's style of parenting.

She would love to watch him banter with his siblings all day, but she had to go to work.

"I have to go, see you soon," Eliana said, looking at her watch. As if on cue, Rafael grabbed her waist and pulled her to himself so she was now trapped in his warm embrace.

"Going away right after our wedding? That's so cruel" he said in a sexy voice. 

Yeah, a fake wedding for a fake relationship why is he acting as if it was real? Eliana blushed.

"Rafael, normal people can't just randomly decide they won't show up to work because they don't feel like it" Eliana scolded.

"You're a Vincenti now. You're not "normal people" and you can quit this job whenever you want. When was the last time you had the day off?" Rafael asked, seemingly calm.


"Just answer"

"I don't know maybe a month ago? Why?"

"Because I think you should rest"

"I can't just call them and say I'm not going to show up today my new husband thinks I should rest"

"Wrong answer"

The atmosphere in the room just got thicker as Rafael was now displeased. 

„Yup it's a good time to leave" this wasn't her or Rafael saying that. It was Remi speaking.

"Time to get out" Milo agreed. "Come Casey, mom and dad are going to argue"

Rafael sends his brother a warning look while Eliana yelled "hey" before the kids are evacuated from the kitchen. 

"Eliana what I would like to know is why you're overworking yourself. It can't be just about money. I get that you want to keep the job because it gives you a sense of stability but you will have to let it go one day"

"It's just that... Casey finally started getting good grades, she doesn't spend all day and night out of the house doing God-knows-what, she's not so angry all the time. She resembles the Casey I know from before"

"What does it have to do with your work?"

"I haven't been able to take care of her so far. I couldn't afford to get her a therapist, I couldn't afford a good apartment or school, I'm just a horrible guardian "

"Casey needs attention. You aren't doing her any favours by working two shifts a day. You have to slow down and stop beating yourself up over things you had little control over. For Casey's sake" 

That got her thinking. 

Maybe he was right? No, he was definitely right. If their relationship wasn't just a fake she would fall in love with that smart man. But because that was not possible she could only say softly.

"I will stay"

I will stay also meant thank you. But thank you was left unspoken.

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