twenty nine.

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throwing a fit


Hakeem and Tiana were engaging in some outdoor dining, but they couldn't get any privacy at all. Their fake engagement had the streets talking, and Hakeem knew he needed to put an end to the rumors. It wouldn't be right having everyone waiting for a wedding that was never going to come. He also don't want Tiana getting annoyed either. But maybe he'd let the people talk for a little while longer.

He and Tiana ate their food, and a random girl walked past them and smiled. "You guys are cute together. Congratulations."

Tiana played along. "Thank you."

They tried to continue eating, but they heard another girl scream, "Oh my god! It's Tiana and Hakeem!" Now everyone was looking at them.

The girl said, "Get over here, Crystal!"

Her friend Crystal ran up to them and covered her mouth. "Oh my god! We are your biggest fans!"

"Yeah, we can see that..." Hakeem said.

"Can we get a picture?!"

Tiana was annoyed. "Sure."

They took a picture with them, and of course they posted it on Instagram. Then one of the girls noticed the ring Hakeem had given and gasped. "Oh my god, is that the ring?!" Then she yelled, "They're getting married!"

Everyone cheered, and Tiana gave Hakeem the most annoyed look ever. The girl said, "Okay, we won't take up any more of your time. Thank you, and congratulations!" Her and her friend squealed and left. The rest of the bystanders stopped focusing on them too.

Tiana crossed her arms. "Okay, you really need to end these rumors."

"Why? You don't like the attention?" he joked.

Tiana rolled her eyes. "You know I love being seen just like you, but this engagement is fake. I don't like being fake."

"Okay, you're right. It's time for me to clear the air." Hakeem took out his phone and went live on Instagram. Hundreds of people popped in immediately, and they all said congratulations on the engagement. Hakeem spoke to his fans. "Wassup y'all. I hopped on here because me and the woman you all love, Tiana, have something to tell you."

Tiana got in the camera. "Yes we do. This news might disappoint you all, but we need to be honest. So...we're not getting married."

Hakeem saw nothing but crying emojis in the chat.

Tiana continued. "We were never getting married. Hakeem gave me a promise ring, not an engagement ring. Him proposing was just for show."

"But my feelings for Tiana are not just for show. We may not be engaged, but we're officially dating," Hakeem announced. Then he kissed her. "Love you, baby."

The comments went wild. Everyone said, We love Takeem! Hakeem chuckled. "Takeem, huh? I guess we got ourselves a ship name. And this ship ain't ever sinking."

Tiana smirked. "I know that's right."

She kissed him, and Hakeem knew the comments were going wild again. Then he saw that Royalty was requesting to go live with him. "Oooo, look who wants to join the live. Y'all wanna see my sister or na?"

Everyone said yes, so he accepted Royalty's request. "Wassup, Ro. How you feeling?"


Royalty sat on her bed with crossed legs and clasped hands. "Okay, can I just say that I also love Takeem? But I'm relieved you two aren't getting married."

Hakeem said, "Oh trust me, it's gonna happen eventually." He shouldn't have said that because now everyone was begging for him to propose.

"Yes, eventually." Tiana turned the attention on to Royalty. "Anyway, hey girl! How's that song coming along?"

"Oh.'s coming along great!" Ro lied.

"Why do you sound unsure?"

Maybe because Royalty regretted writing it now? She and Blake had made up! But she continued to lie. "I promise it's going to be great. I don't know if you guys know this, but Tiana is actually going to be on the track."

"I can't wait!"

"Girl, me either. And your performance was amazing, by the way!" Ro praised.

Hakeem bragged. "We killed it, huh? We were meant to share the same stage."

Ro shut him down gently. " I meant her first performance. But you did great too!"

Hakeem's face fell flat, and Royalty saw laughing emojis in the chat. She chuckled and saw a notification from Blake on the top of her screen.

Blake: I'm downstairs., he was at her house? Ro quickly got off Instagram and ran downstairs. She opened the door, and yup, Blake was there with a small black box in his hand. Just like the one Hakeem had pulled out on Tiana.

"Blake...what are you doing here?"

"Had to see my princess. I got you something." He slowly opened the box, but she stopped him.

"Please don't tell me you're proposing like Hakeem!"

Blake laughed. "Na, there's no ring in here. It's a necklace."

He showed her the necklace that said Princess. It was absolutely beautiful. "Blake, this is gorgeous!"

"Just like you," he flirted. "I was hoping you'd wear it?"

"Of course!"

He put it on her and complimented her. "It looks nice on you."

She smiled down at the necklace. "Yeah it does. Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything."

"You don't have to buy me anything. All I want is your heart."

That made her freeze a little bit. "What do you mean by that...?"

"Come on Ro, you saw Hakeem and Tiana's performance. That song made them realize how much they like each other, and it makes me wish we were together too."

She sighed. "Look Blake, you're an amazing guy, and you're extremely sweet. And I do feel something for you."

"So why aren't we together?"

"Because I told you I've never been in a relationship. I'm not trying to rush into anything."

"This isn't rushed. We've been kicking it for almost two weeks now," Blake argued.

"Two weeks isn't enough time to get to know someone," Ro said.

Blake was angry now. "Or maybe you don't like me as much as you say you do."

"I'm not a liar, Blake. I am interested in you."

"But you won't date me? Make it make sense!"

"I don't want to date right now, Blake!" Ro clarified. "You're acting like I'm saying never!"

"You might as well, because you've been switching up too much. I can't deal with it!" Blake raged.

Now Royalty was the one mad. "Are you serious? You're throwing a fit because I'm not ready to be with you?"

"I'm throwing a fit because it seems like every week you're gonna be on some bullshit! That's not cool!"

"No, what's not cool is you trying to force me into dating you!"

Blake just scoffed. "You know what? I said what I said, and you said what you said. So when you're finally ready to be serious about us, you know where to find me."

Then he walked away. "Blake!" But he didn't come back. Royalty slammed the door with a puzzled look on her face because what the hell just happened?Again?

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲, 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 ¹Where stories live. Discover now