Chapter two.

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He looked so different. So mature. Handsome. Jaxon was always handsome. He always caught every girl's attention. I remembered our times when we were still in high school. They were the best times of my life. I was cheer captain, I volunteered in our local orphanage, I played the piano and I was always smiling, always laughing, and always having fun. I'm pretty sure that was the reason he fell in love with me. I was the marshmallow to his hot chocolate.

It was love at first sight. When I saw him, my heart kind of went like 'that's him. that's your soulmate.' I remembered when he came to watch me read at the orphanage. And this one time he flew halfway across the world to watch me play the piano. Jaxon was everything I had dreamed of and so much more.

So I knew that whoever he was buying this engagement ring for was a very lucky and special woman. I envied her.

"Pretty late to come and look for an engagement ring," I said as I opened the door to the shop. "Most people come during the day."

I heard him chuckle as he followed me in and watched me turn on the lights. "It was a last-minute decision and I just happen to know that you have the pink star ring in your collection."

I nodded my head as I walked over to the safe. "It's expensive."

"Money is not a problem, you know that."

I knew that very well. We both came from wealthy families. But the Gray's were far more superior. They lived in this huge castle-like mansion with their own barn. I have heard stories from Jaxon about how his mom almost burned the kitchen down when she accompanied his father to New York. Their love story was so special and cute and I was so grateful that Jaxon chose to share it with me. I wanted what they had.

I placed the jewelry box with the ring in front of Jaxon. "Do you want me to package it for you?"

He shook his head and closed the box before putting it in the pocket of his coat. "No, it's fine. Thank you. Can I transfer the money to your bank?"

I nodded my head and watched him pull his phone out to do it. I stood behind the counter, still thinking who this lucky woman was. Was it Cassy Oakly? Jaxon and I shared multiple classes with Cassy back in high school. She was so in love with Jaxon and stalked him everywhere. She even wanted to jump off a building. The only person who could get her off the roof was Jaxon. I don't think she's the lucky woman though, because she got placed into a mental institution after her stunt.

Maybe it was Amanda Berger. Amanda was the woman he was rumored to have a relationship with in college. It was all over the gossip channels and I remember having an entire emotional breakdown in the student bathroom.

"So, who is the lucky woman?" I asked, fingernails tapping on the glass. I always did that when I was nervous. My curiosity got the best of me. I also rather hear it from him than read it on Instagram or Facebook.

Jaxon looked up at me, a small smile playing on his lips. He placed his phone in his pocket and let out a sigh. "I transferred the money into your bank account. Check it."

I pulled my phone out of my bag and saw I had an email notification from my bank. "I got it."

"Good," He said. "So, since you had to drive so late at night to open the shop for me I owe you for your time."

"No, It's not-,"

"I'm inviting you to the wedding."

His words echoed through the whole shop. Did I hear correctly? Did he just invite me to his wedding? I'm pretty sure I was just hearing things.

"The wedding?" I asked, confused and in shock. "Why?"

Jaxon laughed. "What do you mean why? I owe it to you. There will be great food, music, cake. It will be fun."

Fun? How is watching my ex whom I still very much have feelings for marrying another woman fun? That's not fun. Fun is eating and traveling and not worrying about looking at price tags while shopping. That's fun.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Besides I don't even have an invitation."

"It's a great idea and I am the one inviting you. That says enough."

"I still don't-,"

"Come on, we haven't seen each other in so long and we can catch up at the wedding. You will meet my sister Lexi."

"She doesn't like me," I muttered.

"She does."

"She called me a madwoman and told me to stay far away from you because my horns are poking your heart and making you cry," Those were Lexi's words when I made a pit stop at Jaxon's house before leaving New York. I wanted to tell him everything before I leave, but he didn't want to see me.

"Well, she wasn't exactly wrong," Jaxon chuckled. I wanted to jump over the counter and slap him in his face.

"I didn't chea-."

"I don't want to talk about that anymore," he interrupted me. "So, are you coming to the wedding?"

"Who is the woman you are marrying?"

Jaxon smiled at me. "Why don't you come and find out?" He then looked at his watch and let out a string of curse words. "Shit, I'm already late. I will go now. I will text you the details of the wedding later on this week." He said as he turned around and walked to the door.

"You don't have my number!" I yelled at him

He turned around and raised his eyebrows at me. "I do." And with that, he closed the door behind him leaving me completely baffled behind.

I took a deep breath. I never thought I would have to witness my ex getting married to someone else. I need to come up with something. I cannot go. It was going to be a disaster. I grabbed my bag and closed the shop.

The wedding was a problem for another day. For now, I was seventy million dollars richer and there was good food waiting for me at home. And that's what I call a successful evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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