A film by dale squires

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we were all in the black box theatre waiting for class to start playing would you rather, i was sitting next to beck and i was playing with his fingers and my legs on his lap, jade was sitting beside me playing her phone 

tori: Okay, if you had to give up the Internet or one of your feet?

we all said foot 

tori:  Really? You all give up a foot to keep the Internet?

 beck: totally

lily:  Wouldn't you? 

andré: You love the Internet. 

tori: I know, but my foot is a part of my body. And the Internet is... yeah, bye foot. 

then the teacher went on stage

teacher: All right, future superstars, take your seats, because at this point in your lives, I am in charge of you. Come on, hurry up. Let's not waste time. We've got some excitement today. 

cat: Yay, I love excitement. 

tori: Who doesn't love excitement? 

cat: Damian.

she said pointing at a creepy kid sitting next to tori

 damian: She's right... Tori.

tori moved her sit further

 teacher: Okay. So today, instead of discussing the differences... 

robbie came inside the classroom 

robbie: Hi. Sorry I'm late, sweaty and out of breath. 

rex: Somebody get me some coffee. 

teacher: Robbie, just sit down.

lily:  Why are you late? 

robbie: 'Cause my Uncle Marty gave me this old car, which I was really psyched about, except it keeps breaking down and on my way here, the motor died in the middle of a really bad neighborhood, Now, don't get me wrong. I like all people, but look, a mean guy took my left shoe and Rex's. 

he said lifting rex's foot

rex: Put my foot down. 

teacher: Okay. Let's all shut up and let teacher talk. Now, I bet you are all familiar with the short film called "butterface". 

we all made agreeing noises

 tori:  Oh my God, I've watched that movie online like a billion times. 

jade: Yeah. Who hasn't? 

teacher: Well, I'm glad you're all aware of the film because I'd like you to meet the director of "butterface... " 

lily: no way. 

jade: Don't tease me. 

teacher:  A former student of mine, Dale squires. Let him hear it. 

dale: What's up, guys? 

teacher: Okay, Dale, the podium is all yours. 

dale: Nice. I've alwayu wanted a plexiglas podium. Uh, what happened to your shoe? 

robbie: Oh, it was taken by street toughs. 

tori: Hey, is it true that you're gonna be directing Johnny depp's new movie? 

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