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Narrator's POV:

"Edward we can't just leave him here. It's not safe, I mean, how do we even know for certain that his parents are going to take care of him while we are gone?" Harry says, letting his concern show the second Louis steps out of the car.

Both Harry and Edward were completely ridden with worry when they saw Louis's apartment building. They had no idea that he lived in such a seemingly unsafe neighborhood and it made their skin crawl to think about leaving here for even five minutes.

They aren't ones to judge, especially not when it comes to someone else's financial status but they just want their Lou to be safe. They themselves have always been fortunate with coming from a wealthy family. They wouldn't have to work a day in their lives if they didn't want to but have both always had a passion for teaching so that's just some extra income on top of what their family still supplies them with, to much of their objections.

They know that Louis's parents are most likely just a bit short on money and are doing all they can but they can't help the bad feeling they have in their stomachs about leaving Louis here.

"I know H, but we already seemed to have overwhelmed him enough today. Trust me, it's taking a lot for me to not run in there and just take him but I think if we want him to be ours, we have to make sure he is comfortable and do this the right way." Edward says, reaching back for Harry's hand comfortingly.

The two men watch Louis run into the apartment closely, already feeling extremely uneasy about him being alone in this sketchy neighborhood.

"What if something happens to him? How do we even know his parents are trustworthy and can keep him safe." Harry says, clearly frustrated at the thought of anything happening to their Lou.

"It should only take a few days for us to get him to legally be ours and in the meantime, we just need to trust that his parents will call us when he slips and we can take the next few days off of work and maybe try to get him to spend some time with us," Edward says, trying to also keep himself calm.

Harry sighs sadly before nodding.

"I know Ed, but I just want him to be ours. I want to be able to know he is safe and happy at all times." Harry says, feeling a bit lost.

Both being carers, they know how to take care of a little but they aren't exactly sure how to approach this. They know they need to show Louis the love and care he deserves but how can they do that when he doesn't even want them to be with him yet.

"Me too babe, trust me. We just have to give it time and he will be ours, all ours." Edward smiles sadly as he squeezes Harry's hand.

Harry and Edward really only allow themselves to be this vulnerable with each other. On the outside, they appear to just be intimidating and scary to most but anyone who gets to know them enough will eventually be able to see what sweethearts they truly are but they very rarely let their real guards down around anyone but each other.

The process of becoming a little's carer legally can sometimes be lengthy and difficult just due to the fact that it needs to be certain that the little is being put into a safe environment where they are going to be properly taken care of.

Edward and Harry have already started making plans to make the calls and fill out the endless paperwork that is necessary to get Louis to be theirs fully. Of course, before getting full custody they need to get confirmation from Louis and Louis's parents but they are already fully prepared to do whatever it takes to get Louis as theirs.

Once Louis steps foot into his apartment, he shuts and locks the door before slowly sliding down onto the floor. Once his body touches the floor he tucks his knees up to his chest before completely burying his head in them as his tears begin to fall.

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