Interrogating A Brick Wall, Part 2

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You stared at Thrawn's holographic projection, a scowl on your face. You were halfway through a stalemate between your rebel ships and the empire.

"Have you been enjoying my blaster?" you asked the hologram, frowning greatly. You had to get a regular one to replace it and was in the middle of creating yourself a new blaster.

"Very much" Thrawn said, picking it up and turning it in his hands. "I particularly like the easy reloading and the patterns. Tell me, are they native to your homeworld"  you scowled at him. "I will take that look as saying I am correct" Thrawn said, peering closer at the blaster. "Very well made" he murmured, "I will assume you are creating a new one to replace the one I have in my hand"

"I am" you said, curtly.

Thrawn placed the blaster into his holster and frowned, looking down at what must be a map of the situation you were both in.

"I wish for your ships to surrender or I will while you out before you can reach the atmosphere"  Thrawn said, watching your face for any twitch of response.

You grinned, "I'm not sure I accept those terms, Grand Admiral" you teased. Thrawn frowned as you commanded the ships to advance toward the blockade. He did not understand why you were walking into a trap and his mind was full of ideas of what you were doing.

"I have got to go now" you said, turning to the holographic figure. "Bye-bye for now"  you grinned, he would not see this coming.

You pushed forward the ships, placing up the shields so they could survive the barrage of fire being sent from the Empire.   

When you were close enough you commanded for the tactic to be deployed. You had been researching tactics, and one particular tactic which interested you was of fire ships. Empty ships which on purpose was set on fire and flown at the enemy, using the wind to crash into the enemy.

You deployed the ship you chose, it was an old separatist ship that had been used to ship cargo but was now hurtling toward a star destroyer. You would have paid to see Thrawn's face as the ship crashed into a star destroyer, to your luck, the star destroyer crashed into another, giving you the opening you needed. Immediately you commanded the ships to go into hyperspace, loving how you again, outsmarted Thrawn.

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