| Chapter 2 : Hooded Figure |

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[ Edited : ✔️ ]


[ 3rd POV ]

Barb and the rock trolls went to capture all the techno troll, to put them in cells. The techno trolls plead as some cry for help and some scared for there life.

The hooded figure look at this with a grin, they like what they saw. Barb turned to the hooded figure to look at them smiling.

"We got all of them, expect for King Trollex and his so called Drop button so that kinda sucks a lot" Barb said leaning on there shoulder with disappointment.

The hooded figure thought of something before turning to Barb. "I will stay behind to look for him, he might not have gone far."

Barb looks at them in disbelief then turn to a grin at the idea. "That is one heck of an idea, I will leave you to that Y/N. Just get back to me soon"

"I will, I know theses ocean reefs like the back of my hand" they swam out of the zipper bag.

"Ok but just don't be late to your solo at the end of the world tour Y/N," Barb waved at the hooded figure as they left to find King Trollex and BDB.


[ 3rd POV ]

King Trollex groans as he woke up from the rocks that hit his head. He looked around to see that he was covered with some rocks and seaweed.

He brushed off the seaweed off him and started to look around. "BDB, you there?" he quietly said as he started to stand to swim out of the rocks that crashed into him.

As he was looking around he heard coughing near him and swam to were it was. Trollex arrived to only see BDB on the ground coughing on sand.

"BDB are you ok?!" he asked in concern of his friend, Trollex held him to clear the sand out. "I'm alright King Trollex but the important question is are you ok?" BDB asked Trollex.

"i don't know BDB, those Rock Trolls come out of no where...but we have to see if any techno trolls that escaped this." Trollex said to him putting on a brave face on.

They both swam together to look around to only see there hard work destroyed and no techno troll in sight.

"They took...everyone, everything we build for years is now destroyed." Trollex stared in horror of everything that happened while BDB stared in disbelief too.

Trollex went to where the DJ booth was before and stared at it. "It's ok King Trollex we will think of something and save them..." BDB said trying to comfort him.

They suddenly heard a noise as they both went to hide behind the DJ booth. Trollex peck to only see the hooded figure who was with the rock troll still here and was looking for something or someone.

Trollex began to think before he turned to BDB with an idea in mind. "Do you know where we can find rope?" BDB looked confused but looked where Trollex was looking at to see the hooded figure.

"Yea I do Torllex it's over there" BDB getting the idea Trollex had in mind and swim over to the near by coral to get some seaweed that was long like a rope. He then swim back to Trollex and gave him it.

"I know what your thinking but are you sure you want to risk it" BDB says being cautious on what he is thinking to do.

"I know but it is the only way to know where the rock trolls took my people and maybe he might know what there plan is. I have to do it." Trollex confidentially stared at BDB as he stared to swim slowly towards the hooded figure.

The hooded figure stopped to looking around the area near them while Trollex and BDB sneaked up to the troll to ambush him. Trollex then jumped on top on the troll to quickly pinned them down before they escape.

"BDB do it now!" Trollex shouted as BDB grabs the seaweed to quickly tie them as they struggled to keep still.

After a few seconds of tying them up and for them to stop struggling. Trollex finally was able to tie them up and looked at them with a serious look on his face. "where did they take my people."

He asked as the figure said nothing to him. That's when BDB took the hood off the troll to reveal a techno troll which surprised Trollex and BDB.

"Your...your a techno troll?!" He shouted in disbelief as the troll stared at trollex in anger.

"Yea so what if I am a techno troll, it doesn't surprise you?!" The troll shouted at them while trying to get out of the rope but couldn't.

BDB looked at the troll as if the troll was so familiar to him but left the thought alone .Trollex on the other hand was still looking at the troll with a confusion in his face but turned serious.

"Why were you with them?" He asked to the troll. The troll looked at him not trusting King Trollex nor was he going to tell him anything about where his people were.

"Why would I tell you, it's not of your concern" the troll said in disgust. Trollex knew he wouldn't get anything out of him. It would be useless to keep on questioning him so he thought of something.

"BDB let's take him with use ,in case the rock trolls come back for him," Trollex looked at BDB waiting for his answer.

"Yes we should but we have to hurry, aware best choice is to go is the Funk Trolls for help." BDB advice Trollex for there next course of action.

Trollex thought about it, "good idea maybe on the way we may stop at Classical and Country trolls."

BDB nodded at him as he gave the end of the rope for him to hold. "let's go before Barb and the rock trolls get there first," Trollex says as they swim to the shore lines while holding the rope that has the rope tied to the techno troll.

"I never got your name to be honest?" Trollex asked the techno troll, he rolled his eyes at the king and spoke.

"It's Y/N, just so we're clear I hope you fail on your little mission to save everyone." Trollex and BDB stop as Trollex stood over him as for him to show some dominance over him.

"Look you are going to listen to me or I'll tie you down the deep end where no one is..." he spoke darkly at Y/N.

Y/N couldn't help but blush a little at the over powering dominance he had then got rid of it. "Fine whatever ,let's just go!" Y/N swam in front but got tugged to move next to Trollex and BDB.

"And you have to stay close to me all the way there" he started to swim again to the surface with BDB and Y/N try to catch up to him.

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