thirty two

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"I got you. Just put your weight on me, okay?" Harry instructs me, helping me get out of the car. I take quick and short breaths, the contractions started in the car and I was not ready for them. I didn't know they would hurt so much. Ok, I was gullible to think what my mother told me.

'It didn't hurt me, don't worry it's nothing. Once they start, 1 hour later your baby will be here.'

Bullshit. They've started thirty minutes ago and I doubt I'm dilated enough to deliver these babies. Why don't they want to come out?

"It hurts so bad," I say to Harry, holding back my tears burning my eyes. My feet are working faster than my brain, I can't even comprehend how I got out of the car so fast.

He looks at me and then all around him to try to find a doctor. "I'm sorry Darling, I wish I could do something. We need a doctor here please!"

"If you want to do something helpful." I wince. "Get them out of me." A nurse runs towards us with a wheelchair. She talks with Harry who explains to her that I'm in labor. I concentrate on my breathing, sometimes it hurts less when you breathe correctly. I saw that on TV. Is it true? I don't know but I can give it a try, no? God, I can't wait for this to be over. I think my daughters already hate me, seeing how they're hurting me right now. I wish I could ask them what I've done to receive such a horrible punishment.

"We're going to lead you to a room where we'll check how dilated you are okay ?" The nurse says, looking right into my eyes. I nod and take Harry's hand.

We wander through the halls of the hospital until we get to the maternity aisle. I think we got lost at least two times. I am in a solo room with pink walls, there is a bassinet next to the bed already. Harry helps me to get on the bed and I lay there closing my eyes, trying to make the pain go away. He sits on a chair next to me and takes his phone.

Out of nowhere, Sweet Creature starts playing. I look at him, confused. He scratches the back of his neck - the thing he does when he's embarrassed -. "You always said they were calmer when they heard me sing, I thought that perhaps it could help but I'll turn it down it was stu-"

"No!" I yell. I clear my throat. "Uhm let it on. Please. Maybe it will calm them, maybe it won't but it will calm me. You know how much I love your songs."

He smiles and takes his phone again. "Then maybe you will love this one." An unknown melody starts playing from his phone. I take it so that I can look at the lyrics and notice the title. 'Adore you'

"Walk in your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?"

I look up from the screen to look at Harry. "Is this your new song that I get to hear in Avant-premiere?" I wiggle my eyebrows playfully. He hums his finger on his lips.

"You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say anything
You don't have to say you're mine
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do"

"I love this. It's amazing Harry !"

He slams his hand on his face and laughs, shaking his head. "What? I just told you it was a good dummy."

"You don't get it to do you ?"

"Get what?"

"It's about you... dummy."

I'm taken aback by this. He wrote a song about... me? "Wow. Really? No one has ever done that for me before. This is the cutest gift I could ever ask for. Thank you so much." I try to get up to hug him but seeing me struggling, he hugs me first.

I put both my hands on his cheeks and kiss him. The sound of harry's phone ringing ruins our moment. He briefly looks at who it is, "it's my mom." I nod and try to make myself comfortable in the covers.

"Mom! We're at the hospital, Violet started her contractions. Can you believe it?"

I hear her squeaking on the other side of the phone. "Oh my god!! I'm gonna call Gemma and I'm coming. I'll be here as soon as possible honey. Tell Violet I'm coming okay? I'm going to call her mom to tell her. I'm so excited!" She hangs up before Harry has a chance of saying anything. I chuckle and Harry tells me everything his mother just told him, even if I overheard some of it.

"Yeah, well I'm not excited. I bet this is gonna hurt like hell." I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

I know Harry can't do anything, but I'm happy he's here. It's really important to have him next to me and to feel his presence. In a certain way, it calms me. I'm less worried when he's here. I take a look at him, he's looking at his phone, texting someone. He has the biggest smile on his face and I don't think anything could erase his smile right now. Not at this moment. He looks up from his phone and smiles, his eyes are shining with tiredness but yet, I know he won't leave my side until the nurses have to throw him out of the room.

I know he will make the best father I could have ever asked for my children. In no way I would want to change the past. Even after all the things we had to go through, he never abandoned me. He always fought his way back to me, even when I pushed him away or flew 3,000 miles away from him. I'm forever grateful for him, and for the little ones that we get to share.

Harry's POV
8 hours later.

"Get these monsters out of me! Why are you doing this to m-Aghhh," Violet screams in pain, the contractions are closer to each other than before. She arches her back in pain and grits her teeth. I put a cold towel drenched in water on her forehead, she still looks pretty despite all of her hair being drenched in sweat like her forehead and her glossy eyes.

A nurse comes in, probably because of Violet's screams. "I'm going to check how dilated you are ok?" Violet nods, her eyes shiny from the tears and the tiredness. We haven't slept last night, she couldn't because of the contractions and I couldn't, knowing that she was in pain. I couldn't leave her alone. I approach her bed to try to take her hand, reassure her.

When I get a hold of her hand, she slaps my hand away. I take a step back and raise my brows at her. "You..." She points her finger at me. "You did this to me. Why do you hate me so much? Why am I the one who needs to do this? Am I in hell yet?" Her facial expressions go from anger to sadness in seconds. I probably shouldn't laugh but her comments make it hard not to.

"I think you're dilated enough to go to the delivery room. I'll come to get you in a few minutes." The nurse smiles and exits the room.

Violet stares in nothingness, her lips partly open. I wave my hand in front of her eyes. She doesn't move. "Do you realize in a few hours we're going to be parents? We'll be the guardians of two persons until the rest of our life. That's... strange."

I pull her into a hug, her face resting in the crook of my neck. I stroke her hair lightly. "I know. It's hard to realize yet but when we'll see the two tiny humans, we'll realize. I'm so proud of you."

Nurses enter the room with a wheeling chair to take Violet to the delivery room. She looks at me, her eyes full of fear. "Don't leave me alone. Please."

"I won't. I'm here, always."

well, only with this chapter but I swear I'm trying to write! it's just that school is taking me so much time and it's ruining my mental health, let's be honest here. thank you for being so patient with me <3 love y'all.

Also, how far do you want me to go into their life with the girls ? Please help me out here !!

All the love, C. X

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