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-Cassie POV-

I was in a complete daze, it's been a few days since me and Elliot started working on the project. It's been going awfully too well if I say so myself. Like we haven't argued not one bit and it's scaring me. Also I swore I felt his hand caressing my face, or maybe I'm going fucking bonkers. It must've been a dream because there's no way he would gently touch me like that.

Yes I must be going insane.

My phone went off and I saw it was a message for the devil himself. We actually exchanged phone numbers, I checked to see what he sent. It was the finalize version of our Sonnet. We decided to make a sonnet about scamming people because why not.

I sat up from my bed and shook my head to clear any thoughts. Today is the last day we will be on good terms and after that who knows what would happen. I went to the bathroom to get myself ready for school. I did my usual routine like showering, getting dressed and some last minute studying before departing to the depressive place.

I went downstairs and no one was there, I see everyone left already this early. I grabbed an apple and threw it in my book bag before leaving the house. The drive to school was short and simple, nothing much to it.

When I park my motorcycle I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. I have feeling something is going to happen today to me. I mean I've been having bad luck this past week, like super bad. Now everyday I'm kind of anticipating something bad to happen.

I entered the school building, and everything was just too normal. I tilted my head to the side confused, am I really about to get a nice day for once? No I doubt it, like I said I've been having bad juju lately.

As I walked to my locker I saw a random boy I've never seen in my life standing there. I slowed down my pace, yes now it's about to get weird for sure right now. I can just feel it in my bones. I walked up the boy and gave him a suspicious glance.

"Why are you standing in front of my locker for?" I asked him. He looked up from his phone and just abruptly handed me a note.

"Ok what do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Here the teacher told me to give you this." He held out the note, I looked at him and the piece of paper. See isn't this just weird?!

"Go to the faculty room and give me the stack of packet's on the desk"

"Ok then, thanks?" It was more of a question this is by far the weirdest request. This note is just shouting bad luck. Nevertheless I went to the faculty room because I am simply curious. I mean who on earth would do something this stupid?

I think we all know who!

As I neared the faculty to room, to my guess I was right. Veronica was standing there on her phone. Of course she would set something this dumb up. I walked up to her with a smile and she noticed my presence.

"Veronica, odd seeing you here." I spoke and stood in front of her.

"Yes that is indeed weird, what a coincidence." She faked smiled at me with a innocent look. I pursed my lips and nodded my head.

"Well don't mind me, just getting some papers for my teacher for some weird reason." I sang out and opened the door.

I stood in my spot confused as I try to make sense of the scene in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows and fought back a laughter. What is going on? I should so take a picture of this and show it to Toby and Jay.

What I'm seeing right now is Jenny trying to force herself onto Elliot. His hand is literally on her face pushing her head away from him. His eyes landed on me and I choked back my laugh with a awkward cough.

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