Battle Scars

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When I arrived back in the real world, my chest was on fire. I looked at it to see the place where the sword hit me was shrivelled up.

"Damn does that ever hurt," I say out loud?

"What hurts?" Kate says beside her as she sits up. She sees me with my shirt up and has a clear view of my chest

"What happened!?" She yells as she pushes me back into the bed. She then proceeds to feel my chest up...let's say my face started to burn instead of my chest

"Are you alright?" She says looking at my face. She notices how red my face is and it takes a second or two for it to click. She looks back down to my chest and starts to blush.

"I'm fine...guess you could say you cured me," I say looking away

"(Y/N)," she says


"Did you find her," she asks

"Yep, I'm sure Kirito is heading to the hospital right now," I tell her

"That's good," Kate says with a smile

"Yep, found the other missing girl," I tease

I look around the room. The others were still in the game, and I just noticed how dark it was.

"I better get you home or Linda will have my head," I joke around

"It is rather dark, the others are planning to stay in the game for a bit longer, " Kate says

I go to stand up and at first, my body doesn't want to move.

"Take it steady, you never told me what happened," Kate asks

"Let's just say this dude turned up some pain slider and then continued to stab me with a sword. Probably the worst physical pain I have ever had," I tell her

"Who was he," Kate says with fire in her eyes

"Mr. Snake..." I say smiling looking away because I actually don't have a clue who he was. Kirito seemed to know, but I certainly don't

"Very informative," she teases

"I honestly don't know, Kirito referred to him as Sugou, but I don't know who that is," I say finally able to walk and move around

"I see," She says as she puts her coat and shoes on. I do the same.

We then leave Carter's (Punishers) house and start to walk to the Kimberly household.

The walk was about as normal as a walk could get...that was until we came across someone stumbling on the sidewalk. I minded my own business. He didn't do the same

He was in a rush...a stumbling rush. He brushed past me and Kate, and when he did he pushed Kate to the ground trying to get past us. It wasn't a light push either, he had some force behind it and he didn't bother to stop and ask if she was ok

"Are you ok," I ask Kate as I rush to her side.

It was dark out but there was enough light to see Kate clearly. Her clothes had scuffs on them and her hands and knees were bruised and cut. When I saw this, anger started to overflow my emotions

"Yeah I'm fine," she says quietly.

"I'll be back," I say before chasing the stumbling man

"Hey!" I yell

"Huh, I don't have time for you," he says

"You'll take some time because I have a bone to pick with you," I say pissed off

"I don't care," he says turning around when he sees me his face tightens up. Then I notice he was the creep from Asuna's hospital room

" did this to me!" He yells coming into the ray of a street light. I can see his face clearly, his neck was shrivelled up just like my chest and his eye was the same.

"Jesus, aren't you one ugly bastard," I say finally putting together that he was the one who kept Asuna in that cage

"Then I two bones to pick with you," I say cracking my knuckles

"Ooooohhhh, so scary," he says as he pulls out a knife.

He didn't have much time to react as I charged him. He lost his grip on the knife and tried to catch it. When he did grab of the knife again, I was already inches away from punching him. And boy did it ever connect. When I hit him, he was knocked out cold.

"I better leave," I say

I get back to Kate to see her watching me

"One punch man," I say something

"Yeah," she says rubbing her palms and knees

"Let me get a look at that," I say as we head over to the light.

I start to inspect her palms, they aren't to bad. But near her wrist, I see a scar. I ignored it, but I noticed the same thing on her other wrist.

I guess I never noticed...but Kate only wears long-sleeved shirts. I Start to roll the sleeve up and every inch I rolled up there would be another few scars.

Kate caught on and pulled away and then took a step back

"Please, don't look," She says ashamed.

I remain quiet and walk to her. She tenses up and is shocked by what I do next. I continue to roll both of her sleeves up. She knew it was hopeless to resist me. Once both her arms were showing, I raised then to my mouth and planted a kiss on both of her arms.

A little strange I know but I hugged her instantly after

"I love everything about you. No questions. Don't feel that you need to hide anything from me," I say while hugging her.

She lets a few tears escape her face, "I definitely do not deserve you," She says to herself

"You're stuck with me, like it or not," I say

"Let's just say, no complaints from me," she says as we pull away from the hug and start walking away. She also pulls down her sleeves

"Keep them up," I protest referring to her sleeves

"No it's cold," She says giggling a little

"Oh," I say sheepishly

After another few minutes of walking, we arrived at Linda's house.

"Bye," I say hugging her another time

"Bye," she says shyly

"Tomorrow I want to see a short-sleeved shirt on you, ok?" I smirk

"No promises," she asks entering the house

"What a day," I say as I head to my own house

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