21 ∞ Honey and War

130 26 0

Day 00004 Mission Nilex

As they walked back to the facility, Gareth returned to reality. The cold air from the hangar brought the silence to him, in stark contrast to the locker room. They all felt it, for the small talk ended.

They were going to a new planet. Gareth could understand their feelings, these people of his own race. Yet he felt separated from them. It wasn't just that they were a different society—it was the fact that his society, his people, no longer existed. Each journey he made took him further and further away from his time and people.

He and his crew had experienced the perspective of seeing large chunks of time pass with each journey, but it had still been their people. Different, a little more each time, but still theirs. Even so, the Long Years took their toll. The harsh reality was that each departure meant everyone left behind would be dead upon their return.

But when they'd returned to find the aftermath of The Great War, a part of him cracked like hot glass cooled too fast.

Upon that tragic return, they'd gazed upon a torn, dying planet... and each of them had to come to deal with that fact in their own way.

After helping as many survivors as they could, some of his crew had opted to stay. Others decided to migrate to a new planet with anyone who wanted to come. A few had thought Gareth should stay to help rebuild and never leave. It had been a hard choice, but The War had brought home the reality of Mankind needing to settle other star systems. It was the only way to ensure Mankind's survival, and although his crew understood, none decided to join him.

Canaisis became his constant, and for that, Gareth was grateful. But it also meant it was best to keep his distance from his guests. Making relationships meant only sadness in the end. He walked beside these three men and felt the responsibility of being Captain resettle upon his shoulders.

They entered the Fishery. Ahmid led the way between the rows of aquarium tanks, and Gareth followed with the techs on his heels. Gareth found his hand resting on his sidearm. He chastised himself but left it there.

After a minute, they arrived at an open area. Gareth had forgotten how big this mobile building was. On the floor, a circle of fifteen mats lay, enough to accommodate the Nilex group and himself. Many of the Nilex members were already kneeling on the mats. As one they bowed, their eyes upon Gareth as they lowered their heads. He stopped in mid-step, but Ahmid turned and motioned to a mat beside Ayla, who sat with her hands clasped on her lap.

"We would be grateful for your presence, Captain," he said. "Please join us. We all are thankful for what you have done for us."

Ayla gestured too.

Gareth nodded in return and stepped forward to sit down with legs crossed as everyone sat up straight on their knees. Adnad dropped to the mat to his left, leaned over to grip his shoulder, and smiled at him. Then he shook him before letting go, and with that, Gareth could feel the tension dissolve in the room. Looking around, he found sincere smiles and tentative smiles, head nods from some.

Ahmid kneeled on the mat beside Ayla's as three other members came out of a doorway with two plates balanced on each arm. One of the servers handed plates to him and Ayla first, while Ahmid was served at the same time by the other. Ayla set her plate on her mat before her, so Gareth followed suit and saw Ahmid do the same. A fish fillet and vegetable greens decorated each plate, with a fork resting on the side. When everybody had received theirs, Ahmid cleared his throat.

"We close our eyes and clear our minds."

Everybody solemnly closed their eyes, hands resting on their knees.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now