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K A T A L I N A   N A I

I was falling.

"Day dreaming, again?"

It doesn't take long for me to recognize the teasing and edge to the very calm voice, one I could never dare forget. I tear my eyes away from the window and look at Athena who walks towards me.

"Why, is it a bad thing?" I tease back.

She munches on some chips, speaking with her mouth full. "No, but I was thinking..."

"Go on..."

"You and me, we're going out." She says putting the bag of chips down, staring into my eyes. "I wanna take you somewhere."

Athena gets up looking over her shoulder, "So get ready because we're going right now."

I wear shorts and a shirt, a matching set. Athena said we didn't need to get ready for anything so I settled for this.

Her hands cover my eyes, "God I am so nervous."


"Becauseee," She drags the 'e' out. "You might freak out."

It took us over an hour to get to the destination, Athena promised me it'll be worth it. And I believed her. I didn't find it weird that she wanted to take me out, she does it all the time. It's nothing out of the blue.

We now stand outside, the breeze hitting our bodies with cold yet warm air.

Her voice is filled with worry and uneasiness, "I know you've haven't had the best start to the summer, so I wanted to bring you somewhere, you'd enjoy." Her hands still covering my eyes. "I know you'll like it, but there's that part of me where you could hate it."

"Oh shut up, I'm sure I'll love it, let me see."

She releases a breath, releasing her hand as well.

My eyes adjust to the light, and the building in front of me.

I read over the words that sit on top of the door, 'Honey's Music Store.'

Music has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember, music is my safe place. Music has shaped me into the person I am today. When there's a day where I feel down, hurt or sad. Music is there, the melodies beat with my heart, synchronizing each time. I never go a day without listening to it.

I gasp, looking over at Athena. Who worriedly stares right at me.

I run into her arms causing her to stumble back a few steps before catching us.

I mumble into the fabric of her shirt, "You should never worry, this is the one of best things that you've done for me, Thena."

She rubs the back of my head placing a kiss on my head, "Let's go inside?"

I nod repeatedly.

She laughs.

I run my fingers along the seems of albums and cds. Stopping at the vinyls, I scan through some picking up one.

As I look at the vinyl, a scratchy voice interrupts my thoughts, "You can go ahead and play it on the player." The old lady motions.

I smile at her, walking over.

Placing down the vinyl. It spins a few more times, before lyrics and melodies play.

Lost and found, I've been up and I've been let down

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