The Truth.

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 Not Edited.

      I'm brain dead. 

Completely and utterly brain dead as I stare down at the test before me that contains an endless amount of equations I know I will never be able to solve. Maybe I should have paid attention in class. But then again, I'm not even sure if this test is in English or freaking Chinese.

I bite down on my lip and press my pencil into the paper, debating whether if I should put down random numbers and hope and pray that they're correct. I decide it's not worth it when I glance at the clock and see we only have two more minutes left until the bell rings.

I place my pencil next to my paper and cast a glance over my shoulder at Liam, who appears to be in deep contemplation as he scribbles furiously. 

Well, guess he's not as brain dead as me.

I let out a soft sigh when the bell rings and everyone around me gets up, walking towards Mr. Matthews desk and handing in their tests. As my classmates begin to walk out the door, he reminds them of what homework we need to do tonight. All he gets is groans of annoyance.

Hesitantly, I rise from my seat and stride towards his desk, placing my blank test in front of him. He gazes at it thoughtfully for a minute, before he whips out a red pen from his desk drawer and draws a big, fat, red F on my paper. I cringe at the sight and Mr. Matthews beady eyes meet mine when he glances up. He gives me a disapproving look and I decide to make a hasty exit before he decides he wants to talk to me about my grade.

Immediately once I step out of the classroom, Liam appears next to me and grabs my hand, threading our fingers together and leading me down the cramped hall that is filled with loud chatter and laughter. 

We fight our way out of the crowd until we reach the glass doors that lead us out of a place called high school that I think of as hell. Even once we're out of the school, I still hearing the annoying ringing of the dismal bell.

Liam and I make our way to his car in silence, a routine I've grown use to for the last four days. 

Only three more days, I think meekly. Three more days till we leave Portland. 

Indeed, the four past following days had gone by quickly. Probably because there was no more drama stirred up at school or with Adam or with anyone else for the matter. For the four past days, everything has been eerily quiet and - dare I say - peaceful. 

Peaceful because no one has bothered me nor Liam for any reason. Even Jeremy and Stella had somewhat knocked off bickering. But maybe it was because they were too absorbed in their thoughts about the plan or something.

Each day, after we got out of school, we'd return back to Liam's cabin and continue packing up everything. We discussed the plan more and specific details that I probably should have paid more attention to when they were talking about it. But for some reason, each time the subject came up of fleeing Portland, I sort of mentally checked out.

And I know that's bad of me to do but at those moments, I couldn't focus. I still can't focus. Most of the time, I find myself lost in my thoughts and contemplating everything that could go wrong. Though the plan sounded evidently simple, it wasn't. 

Mainly because we had a lot of tracks to cover up. We weren't only disappearing from the werewolf race or whatever, but society. In order for questions not to be raised, Liam and I would have to unregister from school. Basically, I would have to drop out.

And I certainly didn't want to do that. As bratty as it sounds, I had even contemplated trying to convince Liam, Jeremy and Stella to stay here in Portland so I could finish up my last three months of the school year, but I realized that was selfish and stupid and so I never went threw with talking to them about it. 

The Rogue's MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ