Chapter 1.2 - face the consequences

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A few days later when it has time to sink in, the uselessness festers. Bain comes to a few realizations, relaying this to the gang.

I don't matter to you, I saw the signs but I chose to ignore them. I trusted you! How could you do me?
I asked you to stop. I begged you, I asked Dallas to interrupt you and yet...!

He's forced to come to grips with what happened.

You raped me.

He says the crime outright. voice cracking, he restarts his sentence.

This is partially my fault. You're a bunch of criminals, and I had faith in you. How could I think that you all would be any different than everyone else I've ever met?!
Why did I believe that I could have something more than...!

I would've taken knives for you. Bullets. I would've done anything. Anything. This was the one thing you—
why did you— what was the point in—

He stops. When he finally speaks up again, his voice is cold.

You don't listen to me. you ignore what I say. You don't care, no, you've never cared about what I tell you.
So I won't.
Not anymore. Clearly, you can handle yourself.
You'll get files in the fax machine, details on what to do and where to go next. Both in stealth and in loud.

You won't be hearing from me anytime soon, maybe never again. And I'd be fine with that.

...I'm done.

The receiver clicks for the final time.


When he says "I saw the signs but I ignored them" he means in Part 3 he "gets a strange feeling" but the sentence is cut off because he was in denial. That they don't care about him or what he does.
(Not published yet hahaha)

Yes, Bain does in fact, have a fax machine. I feel like there's other things to be talking about but YES. In Golden Grin Casino stealth you have to fax the blueprints over to him. I assume he has one really close, maybe in the next room or so?

PTSD wasn't quite settled enough for him to realize what they did but now...

Update: I thought about it and the first chapter might seem a bit weird to you. Like it's out of character for Bain to be acting that way under pressure because of how he reacts in Reservoir Dogs.
THE ANSWER: he saw it coming, he knew it was going to happen. In Chapter 1.1 he wasn't expecting his team to use his own knowledge against him. Especially not for carnal pleasures such as that.  yeah, no way they would actually do it to him,,, and THAT'S WHY he had a panic attack.

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