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Avalon's POV:


Today I am going to the carnival with Bryce, the first week of school went well despite a little hiccup with Elle now and again.

We won our game on Wednesday and Bryce's parents showed up along with his sister, Abby and she's so nice and has gotten close with Bryce.

"What are your plans for today?" Dad asks, "I have to go down to the office to finish up on a case."

"I'm going to the carnival with my friend and his sister", I reply.


I shake my head.

"Is it Bryce King? He's been dropping you off home lately, what happened to Jesse?"

"He has a girlfriend dad", Avery replies.

"I see", he frowns, "I thought you like him."

"He doesn't see me in that way and plus he was in love with someone else, I didn't want to ruin our friendship with a relationship that is unpredictable."

"You wouldn't know unless you try", he shrugs, "it's all about taking risks."

"Too late now, he has moved on."

"She rejected him for the sake of their friendship, I think she was afraid he would reject her so she did the honors to save herself", Avery explains.

"I see, you'll find someone else", he assures me. 

"Or maybe she already did", Avery mumbles.

"How are you and Donovan going?" Dad turns to Avery.

"Good, he has taken an interest in my future, he started to ask questions about which university I hope I get accepted into", she smiles.

"That's good, he sees a future with you", dad nods.

"I hope his new interest means he wants to attend one as well so we don't have to deal with the long-distance thing", she sighs.

"Don't rush it, all caring boyfriends ask about the future university you want to attend to get your dream career", he explains.

I smile, little do they know.

"I am leaving now, see you girls tonight", dad gets his briefcase and leaves.

Avery and I are watching TV.

"Donovan is taking me out today on a date", she informs me.

"That's nice, enjoy."

"You too with Bryce", she smirks

"We're just friends."

"Just like how you were friends with Jesse."

"That's different."

"When is he coming to pick you up?"

"Around 2 pm."

She nods.


"Hey Avalon", Abby greets me when I get into the front seat of Bryce's car, she is sitting in the back.

"Hey, are you excited to go to the carnival?" I look back at her.

"Yes, my two friends from school will be there so we can play games together", she explains.

"That's good, we can play games together with no interruption", Bryce winks at me and I blush.

I hope we don't bump into Jesse and Alexa, he said it was late evening they were going so we have a few hours before they arrive.

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