A Pump of Vanilla

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Requested by @augustheadley2

Hawks first entered the cafe on a quick coffee run before work. It was a bit far from his usual route, but the cafe he frequented was amidst rush hour and he didn't mind flying around for another shop. He was later than usual, so a lot of the nearby cafes were busy as it was the time people are going to work. Until he glanced at a halfway filled cafe to which he quickly landed.

He would've preferred a less busy cafe since he was in a hurry, but this cafe would have to do. He waltzed into the cafe, giving a wave here and there at citizens who gaped at the sight of a pro hero. He walked up to the counter that had a single barista scurrying to and fro. They placed a single mug and spoon at the drop off and called for the customer's name before returning to the cash register.

"I'm so sorry for the wait, how can I help you?" The barista said with a forced smile in an attempt to hide their exhaustion.

Hawks was starstruck when he faced you. Not because you were some famous celebrity, no no. You were anything but that. He was shocked by how attractive you were in his eyes.

In an attempt to hide his flustered state, he quickly asked, "Do you have to-go options?"

You nodded and replied, "Yes, we also have a website to make takeout orders easier on both you and I. What will you be having?"

He took a mental note of the QR code leading to the website and ordered his coffee. You rung up his order and quickly got to work. Hawks in meantime was giving a few waves here and there to people passing by the cafe or taking their seats to watch him. Not once did he keep you out of his sight, he loved the way you moved and how the scuffle of your shoes kept grabbing his attention. Almost like your being was meant to send him into a trance.

He took a seat by the window and pulled out his phone as he waited. He would be later than expected seeing how stressed you were, but he didn't mind that. For once, the fast paced hero that climbed the hero rankings at an incredible pace to slow down.

As you fixed up his drink, he wondered how to get to know you. How to start a conversation with you without coming off as weird or a red flag. He didn't want to be the creep talking you up as you worked, but he also didn't want to take note of when you got off work just to talk to you in your free time. Hell, he wasn't even sure if you would be interested in talking to him. What if you just wanted to get the working day over and done with?

The questions that kept popping up in his mind from all the anxiety were immediately erased when you called his name. He shot up to his feet and immediately went to pick up his drink so as not to be a nuisance.

"Thank you," was all he said despite the possible icebreakers he thought of while walking up to the counter. He picked up his receipt and mentally slapped himself as he pocketed his phone and left the cafe.

He flew the skies as he sipped his coffee whilst sending his feathers to and fro. Until he finally looked down at his cup to see a note in permanent black marker.

"Call me ahead of time next time you drop by," said the note followed by a phone number.

If anyone could trip in the air, it would be Hawks at this very moment. All that anxiety and overthinking about how to approach you, and yet he didn't need to do a single thing. He collected himself and continued flying around while bringing his attention back to the feathers he sent out. The fact you were forward enough to approach him made you all the more attractive to him. He wanted to see you again.

And he did.

He was too nervous to come to the cafe the next day, but he waited two days before hesitating to call you. Your number was dialed on his phone but his thumb hovered over the call button. How would he react to your voice after two whole days of fighting the excitement of calling you immediately after getting your number? He yearned to hear your voice again, but god the things it would do to him.

Despite this, he finally pressed the call button. He pressed his phone to his ear as he tried to slow down, and resist getting there faster than he could place his order. The call was picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, who is this?" You asked on the other end.

Hawks froze midair. His body descended like an apple from a tree upon hearing your voice. You weren't busy and the bustling of the cafe was nowhere to be heard. Just the casual tone of your voice like you were caught at a moment of relaxation.

"Hello, I believe you gave me your number at the cafe two days ago?" Hawks replied nervously as he realized he hadn't prepared what to say to you. He recollected himself and continued to slowly fly his way over to the cafe. Well, recollected himself as best as he could at the moment.

The surprise of your voice was evident and your tone became slightly chirpier compared to its nonchalance seconds ago. "Oh, Hawks! I was wondering when you would call. I felt I might've crossed a line by giving you my number," you said sounding happier now that he called.

"No worries, I've just been busy these past few days," Hawks lied. "So... about that coffee? Mind if I take you up on that offer?" His nerves built up as he waited for your reply. Would you outright reject him? Did he interrupt you amidst a break?

"Actually, perfect timing. These mornings are light so I can focus all my attention on you," you said with the smallest tone of playfulness that he almost missed. His heart beat faster at your teasing and yearned to hear more.

"That'd be great, I don't think I got to learn your name," he replied trying to mirror that playful tone of yours.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" You teased back.

Hawks smiled, unknowingly mirroring your smile on the other end. He imagined how much more fun it would be to talk to after walls were broken down and comfort was replaced. He imagined holding your hand and watching you give a playful look. He imagined just talking to you and it was enough to send him on cloud nine. And he wanted to stay there forever. Like a switch was flicked, he felt this alluring tug that dragged, or welcomed, him towards you.

"I'll be there in a minute," he replied then said goodbye. He texted you his order in which you replied, "I know."

Following that day, the time spent with you passed like a bright blur. He would visit the cafe just to see you, and once he completely forgot his work because he spent the entire day with you watching your favorite movies. He got a hell of a scolding but he didn't care. He felt comfortable and relaxed with you.

You were like much needed coffee break after hours of endless piles of work. Or a glass of water in the middle of a desert. Either way, he felt...cured with you as best he could describe it.

You were the sweet pump of vanilla in his disgustingly bitter coffee to wake him up in the morning. Much similar to the prank you played on him when he seemed down. You had snuck a pump of vanilla in his coffee when he visited after a long, life draining meeting. At first, he was completely caught by surprise, but after the second and third he expected that sweet pump on his stressful days.

He didn't care if he didn't like his coffee this sweet, but he began to detest that bitterness on days you thought he needed it. To be exact, he just needed you on those days. And not once did you disappoint.

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