Chapter 135

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The banquet was sumptuous, and several jars of wine bestowed by the Emperor were opened. The two families already formed a deep bond after a long period of undergoing trials and tribulations together. At this point in time, the storm was over and from here on was just smooth sailing. There were many things for them to talk about.

Yu Xiang stepped on her elder brother's feet a few times and poked him in the thigh with her fingertips. She appeared to be very serious on the surface and lifted her glass and said, "Come, for the sake of our family reunion, let's all drink up!" After finishing her sentence, she drained the cup in one gulp.

Yu Pin Yan glanced at her fervently and also drank it down in one gulp. The Old Madam and the others also did the same. They toasted one another, and little by little their spirit became higher; eventually they finished up those several jars of wine. Yu Xiang loved to drink but she was not a good drinker. After drinking a few glasses of wine, she became tipsy but she neither weep nor fall into a deep sleep. She only propped her cheeks and stared at her elder brother beside her with an unreserved passionate gaze.

Yu Pin Yan's heart and mind turned hyperactive, like ants on a frying pan, when he saw her gaze. He wished everyone could be driven out and then take the little girl into his arms to cherish her.

When the Old Madam noticed her granddaughter's foolish condition, she smiled and reminisced, "Xiang'er is drunk. When she is drunk, she doesn't recognise anyone but her elder brother. Oh right, I remembered when she likes to sing when she is drunk. I remember during the reunion dinner, I got her drunk and asked her to sing. She could take on an opera troupe all by herself such as the male role, female roles, painted face male role, role of an old man and comedy role[1] as easy as a turn of a hand. She just likes to act willfully and make a scene."

"I am aware that she would not recognise people when she is drunk, but I didn't know she also loves to sing." Shen Yuan Qi was immediately intrigued and tried, "Xiang'er, sing a song for us to hear."

Yu Xiang lazily glanced at him and then at her elder brother beside her. She lifted her hand in an orchid dance pose[2]while she sang in a bird-like voice, "The birds in the trees are in pairs. The crystal-clear water and the green hills are smiling. You plough the fields and I weave cloth. You carry the water and I'll water the garden. Although the cave dwelling[3] is shabby, it can shelter us from the wind and rain. The love between husband and wife is sweet even when they suffer. From now on, we will no longer suffer from this enslavement, both husband and wife will return home together."

She shifted between male and female voices with ease. As she sang, she wrapped her arms around her elder brother's neck and repeated the line 'The love between husband and wife is sweet even if they suffer' several times.

Yu Pin Yan had long since discovered one thing - Once his younger sister was drunk, her greatest hobby was not to stare into space and sing, but to tease him. He had already lost count on the number of times. However, the sudden joy and fervent love was as strong as the first time (she did it). He wrapped his arms around his younger sister's narrow waist and naturally carried and placed her on his lap.

Yu Xiang finished singing and muttered, "Elder Brother, I want a kiss that tastes like fruit wine." As she said that, she pouted her red lips.

How Yu Pin Yan wished to swallow her alive, but he knew the timing was not appropriate. He pinched her lips and coaxed her, "Be good. I'll give it to you after dinner."

"No, I want it now. I want it now." Yu Xiang clung onto Yu Pin Yan's neck and swayed from side to side. She tried to kiss him on his thin lips, but after several attempts, she kept missing and could only call out her grievances reluctantly.  

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